Remember back to when you have read a book or a story that you really enjoyed. How did you feel when doing so? Quiet, calm, docile perhaps. Maybe some yawns and a calm nap feel. I tend to think of a trance whenever getting lost in thought, because why not? It's not just hypnosis, but certain elements that are noticed from hypnosis that can be felt, maybe a certain drawing to whatever has your attention.
Now I've seen firsthand how some people shun hypnosis if it's not "purely professional" like yelling at someone and calling out, "Witch witch, burn her!" I honestly dislike any shunning to anything and would rather keep an open mind.
Yes there are people out there with bad intentions.
Yes there are dangers just like any other thing.
Heck some seem bad when it's just a mutual kink.
Just.....keep an open mind on these things that society has taught to judge or hate, and most importantly remember. Remember those times that you get lost in thought, remember when you can just sink into something with full, calm, attention.
It's nice sometimes to even wash worries away for a light spell of a time, don't you agree?
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments, stay safe, and keep your judgement open just a bit for me please. Now have a wonderful rest of your day!
Just Remember
RandomI might write some hypnosis scripts just for fun use. I'm a definite tease right now but also the first post will be a nice thing to remember and I just want to know other's thoughts!