What's Mine is Mine

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The first time he saw you, Jungkook's breath had been caught in his chest, making him fall into a coughing fit that had Jimin and Hoseok looking at him worriedly. It'd been early into his time with BTS, only on their fourth comeback, and they were having a fanmeet. You had gone through the line, shuffling down the members, asking them questions and making all sorts of new memories. He'd seen you get up from your chair, his body frozen as he watched you walk, his gaze unable to leave your form. His heart had hammered in his chest while he waited for you to reach him, ears beginning to ring as he struggled to keep engaged with the short conversations he was having with the fans in front of you. Finally, finally, when you made it to his spot, time had stopped for Jungkook.

Your smile was the first thing about you that caught his attention, spreading wide across your face as you took in his caught-in-the-headlights expression. Your eyes were warm, full of amusement, and your laugh matched. He was sure he'd never blushed harder than he did in that moment, ducking his head as he broke away from your gaze, quickly signing your album. Your question for him was innocent, asking him to write down his current favorite artist to listen to. He wrote some random artist that he'd listened to that morning, gathering his courage to look back up at you. But again, his breath caught as he met your eyes and he could only softly say yes or no in his replies to your questions.

"Jungkook," you'd said laughing, resting your arms on the table to watch him more comfortably, "I don't bite!"

"I know," he had muttered in reply, his ears feeling like they were burned from how hard he was blushing, and just as he finally figured out what to say, a staff member appeared, shooing you along down to Hoseok who was the last for you to greet. Jungkook's dejection had been visible, shoulders slumping as he waved at you in goodbye, your laughter still filling his ears as you came to a stop in front of Hoseok, the two of you laughing and jumping into conversation quickly. When you had gotten up to walk to your seat, Jungkook had given a heavy sigh, purposefully ignoring the smirk Hoseok shot him from his side.

You didn't leave his mind the whole day. In fact, you stayed on his mind well into the night, and most definitely through his shower. Your face had been engraved into his mind, your laughter and sweet voice still playing on a loop in his thoughts. He wondered when he'd see you again, hoping you'd be like some of the more intense fans who came to every fanmeet, performance, and miscellaneous activity. But as the weeks passed, your presence had been painfully missing. He'd even wondered if it was a one-time thing for you; maybe you lived outside of Korea?

Just when he'd about given up hope, you had appeared again, this time at one of their music show performances. Huddled between the other many faces in the small crowd, he'd seen you, his heart jumping into his throat when he saw you smile at his searching gaze. He had performed even better that day, putting his all into his singing, dancing, and expressions. He liked to imagine that he heard your voice the loudest during the fanchants, screaming his name and cheering him on. Disappointment had come again, however, when you'd been absent for the mini fanmeet they'd held after the performances.

From that day on your appearances had become a guessing game for Jungkook. Which fan sign would you go to? Would you go to a music show performance? Might he see you at an award show? He was desperate to see you, so desperate the rest of his band members called him out on it. Repeatedly. They, too, began to keep an eye out for you, asking Jungkook what you looked like. Every event that passed without sight of you left them all disappointed.

With their next comeback, you appeared again, walking into one of the first fan signs of the season. Jungkook's excitement at seeing you again had been palpable, the fancams from that day showing him practically vibrating in his seat. Speculations had been too much sugar (because really, he ate way too many snacks at those things), but only the boys knew the real reason.

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