Taekook Makes a Cake

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It was December 3rd, the night before Jin's 26th birthday, and Taehyung and Jungkook were feeling generous. The two maknaes had decided that they would bake a cake for the eldest in the group as a way to say they were grateful for him.

"Have you ever baked before?" Taehyung asked the younger.

"Ha 420 blaze it lmao," he replied. "But for real, no. So if one of us burns to death it's on you."

Taehyung chuckled in response as he began searching for a recipe online. After scrolling for a few minutes he found instructions for a two-layered chocolate cake.

"Oh! This one looks good!" he exclaimed, looking up from his phone. He hadn't realized that the other boy had been staring at him until their eyes locked for a brief second before the younger got shy and turned away. Taehyung decided to ignore it in the meantime and start the hunt for ingredients. "Flour, eggs, sugar, it's all here. Did you find the cocoa powder yet?" he said with a smile as he glanced in Jungkook's direction. He was standing across the room frantically opening cupboards and forgetting to close them as he looked for the powder.

"Ahh, not yet. I can't seem to find it-" his sentence trailed off as he noticed his bandmate standing behind him, peering over his shoulder for a few seconds before reaching ahead and pulling out the bottle of cocoa powder that they had been looking for.

"Here it is," Tae smirked. Jungkook couldn't help but notice that the older hadn't backed away yet. They were still standing pressed against each other. This only lasted for a couple seconds though, Taehyung had eventually found his way back to the counter and Jungkook didn't have much time to process the situation. "Could you read the recipe to me?" Tae called out.

"Sure, yeah. It says to mix all the dry stuff together first," he handed Taehyung the electric mixer that they had only recently discovered. After pouring all the powders into one bowl, Tae plugged in the mixer and looked for a power button. "Do you have any idea how to work one of those?" Jungkook teases.

"Of course I do! Just give me a second to- ah! Got it!" he retorts. To prove his point, he quickly shoved the mixer into the bowl. As a result of his recklessness, powder was sent flying in all sorts of directions, including Jungkook's.

"Tae!" he yelled over the buzzing of the mixer. "Turn it off, you're making a mess!"

"I would if I could!"

"Ugh, here let me do it!" Jungkook ran over to where Tae was standing and reached out for the mixer. It was hard to see through the cloud of flour surrounding them and they accidentally pushed the bowl off of the counter. It landed upside down leaving a large pile on the floor. After ten seconds or so, Jungkook was finally able to turn off the mixer. His hand was left sitting next to Tae's as they both held the mixer and took a moment to glance downwards at the inconceivable mess that they had made. Jungkook looked over not expecting to see Tae's smile growing as he began to giggle like a little school girl. "What? What's so funny, I don't get it? The place is a mess!"

"It's-it's because-the-the" his laughing kept interrupting his response and he knew he wouldn't be able to get a full sentence out. Instead of talking, he just pointed to the outlet they were standing right infront of. Jungkook quickly realized that the much faster, calmer approach would have been to simply unplug the mixer. He tried to keep serious since he knew that the flour wouldn't be fun to clean up, but something about Taehyung's smile was contagious. They both stood there laughing for the next few minutes, trying to calm down as they began to clean up.

After about half an hour they had started over and made some progress. The batter was starting to look good and all that was left was to bake it and then, of course, decorate it. Jungkook placed the cake in the oven before sitting on the countertop and taking out his phone to set the timer. Tae was leaning over the bowl they had mixed the batter in and began playfully eating what was left. Jungkook found the action incredibly endearing and naturally found himself sneaking in photos of the others adorableness. This only lasted for about a minute or so before Jungkook got a text from Namjoon that read 'you brats better not be making a mess down there". The notification sound had startled Tae and he looked over to see where the noise had come from. Jungkook tried to hide his phone quickly but it was too late.

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