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"y/n, over here!", my best friend jumps up and down, motioning me to come over.

I walk over with a warm smile on my face. Then sitting down at the table.

"Hey, guys!", I greeted them.

Namjoon had invited me to join his friends for lunch. I was a little surprised.

They all smiled back at me as they waved their hands.

"Hi y/n", Taehyung greeted as he flashes his signature box smile at me.

God, he was adorable. The way his cheeks puff up and his cute giggle when he's all excited was just so adorable. I'm surprised I could control myself from pinching his cheeks and just squish them together. I swear my mind was literally going 'ZJFOJZJFKZIWJJDKZ', right now.

I shook my head, giggling.

"What's wrong y/n", Tae asks scrunching his eyebrows.

"Oh uh, nothing", I let out as I try to cover up what had just occurred in my head.


The sun was already down when we were finished. We all said goodbye to each other and went our ways. I was gonna walk home alone but Namjoon insisted that I stay the night at his house. He said it would be really dangerous to walk home late at this night. Namjoon was a sweetheart and I couldn't bring myself to decline his offer, so I said yes.


We reached his house way sooner than I thought. We pulled up in front of his apartment building. He led me up the stairs as he unlocked the door. My eyes went wide as I went inside. Everything was just screaming 'expensive'.

He was hella rich so I wouldn't be surprised if he owned a limo or something. Despite his wealth, he still remained humble as always. It's something I always admired about him.

My train of thoughts were disrupted as I heard Namjoon calling me.
"y/n, in the kitchen!"

I immediately rushed over to the kitchen and I smirked as I see what was on the table.

"Oh, so you wanna get drunk huh?"
I giggle as I head to the table.

He grabs a glass and pours some booze in it then hands it to me. He raises his cup toasting out loud.
"To being the best of friends"

We clink our glasses as I swallow down the drink. I shook my head from the bitterness taste and scrunch up my nose.


I felt light. Guess I must've drank too much. I let out a little giggle as I lay my head on Namjoon's shoulder.

"You are one silly drunk", Namjoon giggles as he sips his drink.

I just replied with a smile as I swirl the glass. I was getting a little tired and I really wanted to sleep. I got up from the couch and looked at Namjoon.

"I'm beat", I let out as I sit on his lap and rest my chin on his shoulder.

He lifted me up and hung me on his shoulders as he walks to his room, I assume. He lays me on the bed flashes me a warm smile as he leaves and turns off the light.

I was so tired that I immediately went to sleep.

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