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Posted February 15th 2017
Aka Alura's clan! Ahhhh, I love these gays!
I think this is where I started slowly deciding their personalities?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) did someone mention allies?
Prompt: Asher went out on a mission and a bad thing happen.
Genre: Idek??
Characters: Team red and my new fave.
Warnings/Notes: this au is finally getting more,, fantasy!
I made a reference in this chapter, that I wonder if anyone will get. Something said is *related* to the killer (so not exactly who the killer is) but you'd have to go back in old H3M one shots to figure it out. Have fun, y'all. Also this one shot is mostly introduce my new fave (expect a part two)
Asher grunted as he climbed up the tree, gripping tightly onto the thick branches. He glanced over at the other tree and jumped over to it, grabbing onto the branch and yanking himself up. "Asher, do you copy?" Levi's voice rang out from the walkie talkie on Asher's belt. Ash sat on the branch and grabbed it, pressing the button. "Rodger that." Asher replied and Levi's voice came through again. "Do you-" Levi was cut short by Jackson, who called out. "You guys sound like nerds!" Jackson complained and Levi let out a groan, Asher snickering. "I know that. I'm still moving, talk to you when I get where I need to be." Asher said before putting the walkie talkie back, jumping to another tree.

He was out looking for a certain building, an old, abandoned building. Levi made him bring a walkie talkie, so they had contact to each other. Asher went alone, as they didn't want a lot of attention brought to them leaving. Asher grunted as he climbed up higher, getting a better view. The forest seemed never ending. Asher let out a groan and climbed down a bit and jumped to the next tree. Asher felt like he was going no where. He climbed down the tree and let out a sigh, walking along the ground. After a while, he noticed something in the distance. He walked over and saw a cardboard box on the ground, it being pretty torn up.

His curiosity got the best of him and he kneeled down, opening the box. He frowned as the box was simply full of rocks. "Who would leave rocks inside a-" He asked out loud but was cut short, a rush of wind shooting past his face. He froze and looked forward, an arrow sticking into the tree. Asher started to whip his head around, to see the person who shot the arrow. He wasn't able to, as he became face-to-face with the bottom of someone's boot.

Asher groaned, getting knocked out by sheer force, falling down onto the grass. The person leaned down, grabbing the walkie talkie from his belt. They pressed down the button and spoke, sternly but clearly, into it. "Hello, whoever may be on the other side. Your friend is with us. Meet us at the start of the Vertway forest. We do not want to fight. We will not reply to any message you try and send back." They spoke clearly and then turned off the walkie talkie, Asher having already been tied up by another. "Lets go and get this over with." They huffed as they picked up Asher, holding him in their arms.

Levi looked as if he was going to have a mental breakdown when the message came through. He quickly told everyone to get ready, grabbing his armour and putting it on. Everyone got ready fast, and they left fast. Levi has never been so quiet. They arrived at the very start of the forest, the sign greeting them. Levi gritted his teeth as he heard movement in the bushes, some people began coming out. They all wore long robes and had hoods that covered most of their faces, Levi assumed they were a cult or some religion.

One walked out and had Asher in thee arms, Asher sleeping peacefully. The hooded figure placed Asher on the grass, looking towards the group. "What did you do to him." Levi growled, clearly annoyed. "Nothing. We knocked him out, that's it. We have no reason to hurt him, he didn't hurt us." The person at the front of the group said calmly, Levi not trusting them. "We're friendly." The assumed leader said, reaching their arms up and pulling down their hood. "I am the leader of the clan, Rosemead. My name is Alura." The person spoke clearly. They had light brown hair, that seemed to be tied back in a ponytail or braid. Their skin was a shade of brown and their eyes were a near black colour.

One thing that clearly stuck out, was their pointed ears. Levi hadn't seen elves in a long time, it amazed him. Joining their leaders lead, the others all put down their hoods. They all seemed to be quite feminine looking. "Rosemead.. That's an all female elf group, located deep in the forest.." Vincent amid softly and Alura smiled at him. "I'm happy that we're known." She said with a wide smile, Vincent seeming surprised that she had heard him. "As I said, we mean no harm." Alura began to say, being cut off by a groan coming from Asher. Asher opened his eyes and stared up, seeing Alura. He glanced over and saw Levi, smiling slightly.

He looked back at Alura and huffed. "Bitch." He muttered and Alura rolled her eyes a bit. "Ah, yes, you." Alura said and Asher let out a groan, clearing annoyed. Alura leaned down and sat up Asher, who looked very annoyed. "I can't believe I got my ass kicked by a bunch of-" Asher began to bitterly muttered, getting cut short by Alura grabbing the sides of his face. "By a bunch of girls? Really?" She asked in an annoyed tone, Asher getting a bit embarrassed. "I-I wasn't gonna say that." Asher lied and Alura glared at him, Bailey looking down at his feet and getting very annoyed at Asher. "Then what were you going to say?" Alura asked innocently and Asher got more embarrassed, not having anything to say.

Alura stood up and glanced at Levi. "I'm sorry, but," She paused and reached her foot up, kicking Asher in the side. Asher grunted as he fell over onto the grass. "He deserved that." Alura said and Levi sighed, nodding. "I agree." He said and Asher glared at Levi. "Thanks, honey!" Asher complained and Alura leaned back down, untying the rope. Asher jumped up and glared at her, looking as if he was ready to fight. Levi reached over and grabbed his arm, yanking him over. "You're welcome." She said in a deadpan voice and Asher secretly flipped her off, causing her to roll her eyes again. "I know who you guys are. Team red, everyone knows about your stupid 'war,' or whatever." Alura said and Asher just got more worked up. "It is a fucking war! Don't act like it's not!" Asher snapped and she sighed softly.

"It is not a war. Wars have motives. Yes, your king was killed. It's awful, I know. But you have no fucking motives! Find the killer? Fucking how?!" She snapped back and Asher opened his mouth to say something back. "Killing everyone does not make you a good person! A war is suppose to have the least deaths possible! Two have already died, which is awful. You aren't doing anything to actually find out who the killer is!" She finished and Asher was shot down, Harper looking away and feeling sad at the mention of death. "Both teams! What the hell are you doing?! You're not saving no one! For all you know, the killer wants you guys to keep killing each other!" She said, throwing her arms into the air.

Levi sighed softly, looking down. "I know. We need to make a plan.." Levi admitted quietly and she sighed softly. "Take the scene of the crime, his bedroom. Did you search the house for weapons? Did the hand writing on the note look familiar?" She asked and with every word, Levi felt like more of an idiot. "We will search the house. The handwriting was some of the nicest handwriting I've ever seen." Levi said gently and she nodded along. "Keep looking. Don't stop, don't be dumb." She said and with that, she turned around. She began to walk away, her fellow members following. "If you ever need to visit, get a map and find us. We'd love to have you."

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