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Izaya POV

I slowly drag my knife across the skin of  my wrist, cutting so deep I must've hit a vein. Gray liquid spurts out of my gray skin. It's not like my skin and blood are actually gray. I just can't see their true colors.

A voice resonates in my head. Color is a true beauty in this world. You're cruel not to be able to see it. You can only see black, white, and gray. No wonder your soul is made up of only those colors. You're so worthless. Shizuo isn't the monster. You are. 

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UPPPP!!!!" I yell, clutching my head. Namie runs down the stairs and frowns when she sees me. "LEAVE!" I bellow, pointing at the door. She obliges, smacking me in the head right before.

I chuckle. The voice in my head is back. Of course she hates you too. Everyone does. You only torture people because you're jealous of the one ability they have that you don't. Seeing colors. I slash my wrist even more. 

"Shut up," I breathe before walking out the doorway into the pouring rain, without even patching up my wounds first. Yeah, you should just bleed out. The voice says. 

I walk the lonely streets; everyone is inside of their homes in this weather. Then I hear "IZAYAAAAAAA!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO NEVER SET FOOT INTO IKEBUKURO AGAIN!" Huh? Was I even in Ikebukuro? I didn't realize I'd walked this far. 

I turned around and smiled like I wasn't dying inside. "Shizu-chan," I mumble before whipping out my signature blade. 

Shizuo POV

I smelled the flea before I saw him. He was spacing out. Out of habit, I yelled what I usually did when I saw him in my city. He snapped out of his trance when I did, pulling out his switchblade. 

Anger flooded through me although he didn't do anything yet. I charged, screaming "FLEAAAAA!!" I punched and he dodged as usual, but he wasn't laughing. He looked so tired. When he finally looked up, I stopped dead in my tracks, mesmerized by his crimson orbs.

Had I never realized how beautiful his eyes were?  I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt pain across my chest. That stupid flea had sliced me with his blade! 

Ugh what a nuisance. I prepared to send him flying across the air but I saw tears in his eyes, threatening to spill over. 

"...Flea?" I said cautiously. He was staring straight in front of him, to where he had scratched me. Blood was dripping slowly down my chest. Suddenly, he screamed "SHUT UP" and clutched his head, falling to his knees. He was shaking, and mumbling to himself.

I dropped down to my knees, shaking his shoulders and trying to get him to snap out of it. "FLEA! OI FLEA!" I shouted over and over. 

I didn't understand. I didn't even do anything to him. He just scratched me with his knife and stared for about 5 minutes at the blood dripping down my chest. What was a little crimson liquid to him? 

He passed out in my arms. "Ugh stupid flea." I said. "Time to take you to Shinra's." I picked him up. But then I felt something warm drip onto my bare arms. It was the flea's blood dripping from his wrists. "What the fuck?" I said stupidly. "OMG SHINRA HELP!" 

And I rushed to Shinra's, scared for the flea's chance of survival with this much of his blood lost. Wait...was I actually worried for this flea? No...more like I couldn't live with myself if anyone died in front of me. (LOLOL yea...yea SURE Shizu-chan whatever you say *wink wink)

Hi reader-chan! 

It's Author- SAMA (LOL :3)! Let me know if there's something that you want to happen in the later chapters in the comments! Also tell me if this story seems interesting to you and if I should even bother to continue. Thank you so much for reading it means a lot to me! 

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