The game and locker rooms

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Rainbow thrust the ball into the air, scoring a basket for her team. 

"Wooo! Go Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie pie yelled at the top of her lungs.

Rainbow glimpsed at Pinkie and smiled. Her face felt warm. 

"Wait, why is my face hot? Whatever, focus Rainbow; one more shot and we go to the state championships. Focus!" Rainbow told herself.  The ball rolled to her and she about to kick it, when she heard Pinkie yell " You can do this Rainbow dash! You're team is the best!".

She froze. She stood there until sompony else took the ball and scored a basket for their team.

"Way to go Dash! You just cost us the state championships! I hope you're happy." One of Rainbow teammates said. Rainbow felt ashamed, but she didn't wanna be seen crying, so she just walked to the locker room and changed. The look on her face was very neutral and emotionless. Applejack walked up to her and asked while changing 

"What happened to y'all out there?"

"I dunno." She replied. 

"Are ya still going to the cafe with me and Fluttershy and Pinkie?"

"Nah. I gunna go home instead. Seeya." Rainbow picked up her bag and walked away.

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