one | Greasy-haired Creeps and Innocent Looking Flash Drives

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one | Greasy-haired Creeps and Innocent Looking Flash Drives

I sat, once again, in my family's all to familiar white van. My cousin, and father were scouting someplace and I just so happened to be picked to cover the surveillance cameras.

"Glitch, eyes on the target, I repeat, eyes on the target." I rolled my eyes, signaling back on the headset. "Easier said than done, Mitchell. Some people have other things in mind rather than trying to steal priceless artifacts from museums." My voice was laced with sarcasm as I typed in another code.

The annoying voice once again was heard through my headset. "You better get your head back in the game, Glitch. And what did I tell you about calling me my real name over headset. Here, my name is Invert."

You see, my whole family are criminals. We all have stolen at least once, and not been caught for it. Every so often we have heists like this one, where we steal something priceless to sell through the black market, and, like every other time, I was the one picked to blind the security cameras and save everyone's sorry asses. Without me, our operations would be nothing.

Not that I'm bragging or anything.

I typed in the final string of numbers, that lifted the security around the stone that we wanted to steal and leaned back in the swivel chair.

"Target is ready to be taken, I repeat, ready to be taken." I said over the headset, as I watched my father distract the host as my cousin moved in on the target.

Another job well done.


I sat on the barstool watching my grandmother cook dinner. Tonight it was spaghetti. "So, Eris, did you have a good run tonight?" She asked.

I smiled. "As always, if it wasn't for me there would be no success." She laughed at that, and stirred the sauce. "Bullshit!" A voice called from the doorway.

I turned to see my annoying twin brother, Mitchell. "Eris here got distracted half-way through the mission and almost got us caught!"

I waved a hand. "Minor details. We're not in jail, are we?"

My father walked into the kitchen, followed by a flood of family members as Grandmother finished off the spaghetti.

Mitchell shoved me playfully. "Move your stool over, lame-ass." I slapped his arm. "Says the one who singing in the shower."

We glared at each other before digging into the food that was placed in front of us.

"Mhhhh, Grandmother, that was really good!" I said, finishing off my plate. Mitchell looked at me in disbelief. "How the hell were you able to eat the quickly!? We literally just started eating!"

I shrugged. "I'm just so talented."


I sighed, collapsing into my dark green swivel chair. I scrolled through my computer, checking over the security tapes, making sure I finished my homework. You know, the usual.

I decided to just turn on my favorite show, American Horror Story, and just binge watch it until I was yelled at to go to bed.

I managed to get through the first few episodes of season one before my mother appeared at my doorway, looking tired as always.

"Mon cher, it's time for sleep." She stated firmly. I groaned and spun the chair so I was directly facing her. "C'mere." Mère walked over to me, and put a hand on my swivel chair. "Eris, it's time to go to bed."

I looked up at my mother's warm brown eyes, and sighed. "Alright, Mère. To bed I will go." She let go of my chair and I spun over to my bed and flopped down on it.

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