Step Into Christmas (or maybe not)

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It all happened so fast.

Ally was just watching Jackson intently as she usually did, a smile on her face, in awe of the performance that he was putting on, when all of a sudden, it all went downhill.

He was about halfway through, doing everything that he usually did, when suddenly, he slipped and fell.

Now, falling wasn't an unusual thing in their profession of performing by any means, even if they practiced countless times to try and prevent it the best that they could, but usually, when it happened, you were able to get up and brush it off. Maybe it would garner a few laughs from the audience. But it was usually forgotten once the singing started again.

Jackson didn't get up, though. He tried, but he let out a groan of pain, and immediately people came rushing on the stage to make sure that he was alright, and to see just what had happened.

She had tried to rush over as well, but she was pushed back. She heard them saying something about his ankle.

The audience was calling out, security was telling them that Jackson had to be taken away to the hospital.

Jackson didn't really care at this point, the shooting pain in his ankle was almost too much to bear. He tried not to make it obvious that he was suffering, but it was all too apparent.

Ally followed close behind the commotion, despite everyone telling her to stay back.

"I'm his wife." She had said. "I'm allowed to see him and make sure that he's alright." She didn't want to hear what else could possibly be said, just followed her husband into the ambulance.

She knew that he would be alright, she was just scared for him and wanted to make sure that he was getting where he needed to go okay. It was just what she felt in her gut. It wouldn't feel right just standing behind. He was the one who had freaked out over her hand swelling, after all.

He was okay, just in a lot of pain. He kept trying to mask it, but it wasn't really working. He couldn't even try and move himself in the slightest without feeling like someone was stabbing him right in the ankle.

They had plans after the show, too. It was Christmas Eve, which made this suck even more. After the show, they were going to go home and watch cheesy Christmas movies all night, while anxious to open each other's gifts. They always cracked and opened one thing. Ever since they had been married, this was their routine.

But now, they were heading towards the hospital. All was hoping it was a simple sprain, something that could be nursed at home, but it wasn't looking like that at all.

"It'll be okay." She assured him.

He smiled at her weakly, as much as he could through the pain. She smiled back.


Turns out, he had somehow managed to break several of the bones in his ankle. This meant that not only would he would have to stay at least overnight, he wouldn't be able to use that ankle for a bit. That meant no performing, no anything. He was going to have a cast, which he already had on.

"How are you doing?" Ally asked as she entered his room. His casted leg was elevated, and he looked a sickly pale. She wasn't allowed to be there while they were operating on him, so she had waited patiently in the waiting room, flipping through magazines, not reading a single word of them, only using them to pass the time.

"This feels weird." Was all he said in response, chuckling.

She giggled, moving over to his bedside. "I know, it sucks that you can't play any shows for awhile."

Step Into Christmas (or maybe not)  | A Star Is Born ✔️Where stories live. Discover now