The Turner Mansion

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Alex raced up the driveway, his heart pumping, desperately wishing he wasn't too late. When he heard the men in the alley mentioning his address, he was only assuming he heard them wrongly. But now, judging from the shouts and noises he heard from the house ahead, he had no other doubt that the plan he heard the sinister men devise before was specifically referring to this very house.

With trembling hands, he pushed open the ancient oak door leading to his living room, but the scene laid before him hardly resembled a "living room" — chairs overturned, tables splintered, light bulbs shattered, drawers littering the floor — all caked with blood. He bent, hands shaking, tears pouring themselves out of his eyes as he pushed upright the lifeless body of the old butler. He stood, clearing a path for himself. Hearing voices upstairs, he silently climbed the stairs to see another sight: two men expertly wielding revolvers, their professional stance enough to send soldiers fleeing, cornering a child in a pink dress and a red homemade scarf, with two bodies piled up beside her. He immediately recognised the bodies as his loving, caring, dead parents. The girl sobbed again and buried her face in the folds of her clothes.

The girl in question is April Turner, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Turner, the corpses beside her. She had been cuddling her favourite toy rabbit, Apple, when a loud clean shot rang out downstairs. She had bolted upright, her tiny heart beating, hugging Apple close to her chest. Moments after, she had mustered enough courage and climbed out of her bed just in time for her small eyes to see her parents fall. She had wailed, terror and fear apparent in her voice. The criminals had not paid much attention to her — why would they? April wasn't even a metre high. They wouldn't have a reason to kill her. Then again, April was a witness to the crime. Having thought of this particular fact, April shuddered. She lifted her tiny head, hoping to see a way out of this, but the killers noticed.

"Here's what we want you to do. Where is your parents' safe? We will give you three seconds. One."

April shook her head, scanning the area, but not before she noticed her brother watching. Her hopes lifted a tiny bit, knowing that she wouldn't die unnoticed. She smiled and raised her eyebrows. Her brother widened his eyes, and in his eyes April could see the desperation filling him.


Her brother violently shook his head, but there was despair in his eyes. He bowed his head as an acknowledgement, and she dipped her head ever so slightly. She stood, her heart filled with pride, and waited for it.


Her brother, now starting to head downstairs, turned and gave her one last nod. She smiled, and motioned for him to go. He mouthed a sentence.

"I love you."

Everything went dark.

The End of April TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now