I felt like writting this..

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It is said that people avoid to look someone straight in the eyes and that's cause they are afraid that someone will see things they try to hide from people..Most of the times is the pain they try to hide..physical or mental..we have learned to hide our weaknesses cause people sometimes take advantage of them..although I don't always agree on that..I don't accept the immaturity as an excuse..some say "how will you know who to trust ?" but no..I don't get that.. Of course you'll know..eyes tell always the truth..no matter how hard people try to avoid the eye contact.. they are afraid to face the truth because this is the reason..we are not fools..noone is..we are cowards..we prefer to live in a world full of lies rather than face reality..I understand..reality is difficult..but what's worse ? Tough reality or "perfect" lie ? Where are your standards ? Don't close yourself in the house because you are scared to see and to be seen..yes..you'll get hurt but yes you'll have fun either..life has not only one side..and eyes..yeah eyes..you earn a lot looking someone in the eyes..maybe that's pain..maybe that's happiness..they are both feelings..you can't always be happy neither in pain..trust eyes..they express more  than words can express..they tell more than a mouth can say..I know it's hard..I know it's worthy either..

I know it's worthy either

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No matter the colour of your eyes

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No matter the colour of your eyes..they all are beautiful and precious..they decorate our personality and they show what we hide in our soul..

I hope you guys like it..I wanted to write things like that cause they express me and I wanted to convince people that's better to tell someone your feelings and just tell anything you want looking straight in the eyes..don't waste you guys your time..show love..show affection cause nothing lasts forever and you maybe lose someone and you miss to tell them what they meant to you..Love ya all..and forgive me for my mistakes in the writting..I tried my best..♥️♥️and also I want to thank you for all the support..and MixerLovatic2017  thanks for everything and the photo..love you♥️♥️

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