Prologue/Chapter 1

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           Cyrus above

            Being a newly turned werewolf with no Alpha or family to help you through it all is complicated. You're feeling like you're at deaths door, but also like you're going to kill death. Your human and wolf sides are in conflict and you don't know who to follow.

            That was my experience anyway, my nameis Nathan Lycus, I ran away from home two years ago, at the age offifteen, when I realized I was a werewolf, I didn't want to put mylittle brother in danger by staying. The first time I shifted Iaccidentally wondered onto the local packs territory; they caught meand told me to leave the town or they would burn down my house. So Iran back home and wrote a note to my family telling them I was goingon a journey and would get in contact with them when I found a placeto settle, and that I would explain myself better when the time wasright.

          I've had to move eight times since Istarted this little 'journey' of mine. I didn't mind it much really,it just got annoying. Every time someone from a local pack realized Iwas a lone wolf, well they thought a was a rouge, I had to leave.Maybe I should stop moving into small town and then maybe a largerpack would be more accepting of my presence. I mean that's what I'mtrying this time around.

          I'm in the city of Sonio, where I hopethere's more than one pack around so I don't have to worry so muchabout having to move. Maybe there's some other shifters around sothey're used to lone shifters being around. Though there's always thethreat of pack shifters at school but there's not much I can do aboutthat.

          "Here's your schedule sweetie," Iwas snapped out of my train of thought by the middle aged secretary.I gave her a slight smile and grabbed the paper and walked out intothe large crowded hallway. I could already smell some high rankingshifters here and there. I could feel the stares of lower rankingshifters but they were fleeting. 'No one's very brave I guess,' Ithought as I maneuvered my way to my first class.

           I opened the door only to see theteacher and a slim, curvy, pretty, brunette girl standing with herhand on her hip in front of him. The girl looked to me her face stoicand void, I met her stare with one of my own briefly before turningtowards the teacher and handing him my transfer slip. He nodded to meand placed the paper on his desk.

           "When class starts, don't ask me tostand and introduce myself or even mention that I'm a new student. Imost likely won't be here long so there's no need for anyone to evenknow I'm here. Also don't call on me to answer any questions, I'llpay attention and do my work on my own." I glanced at the girlbefore closing my eyes and sighing my frustration evident. "Actuallyit would be best if you both forget I can even speak at all. Do thisand there shouldn't be any problems." once I finished speaking Iturned away from them and walked to the back row of desks and sat inthe window seat.

          The two of them looked to me and thenlooked to each other and seemed to have a mind link conversation.They must be part of the same pack. The bell rang and the girl leftthe classroom after giving a nod to the older. Other students cameinto the room shortly after, quite a few of them looked at me withsurprise and confusion.

          "Alright class let's get started."The hour went by slowly, those that were confused by my presence kepttrying to ask me questions, which ended with them whimpering quietlyafter I had growled at them. There didn't seem to be any higherranking shifters in this class, which I was grateful for. I didn'twant to fight on my first day.

          By the time lunch came around I had apermanent scowl on my face. Lower ranking shifters were trying to askme questions in every hour till now. I just hope I can get my foodand escape to eat outside without any problems. Luck was not on myside, before I even made it to the lunch room I was pushed into somelockers my back to my attacker. 'Just great.' I tried to turn my headto see them but they pushed onto the base of my neck with a lowthreatening growl effectively keeping me in my place. 'Crap he smellslike an alpha.' I had been told I smell like a high ranking shifterbut I've never gone up against an alpha before, this could be bad.

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