Social Nerd Narry (boyxboy)

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Its all started with a text

From: Harry

" Hello im Harry Styles :) "

Which 2 years later turned out to a

From: Harry

" Maybe we can meet one day "

Hello my name is Niall James Horan. I go to a school named westbridge high. I have light blue eyes, brown and blonde hair, a pale face, pink lips and.........glasses.

I really have no friend at school. I am known as the nerd of the school. I been talking to this boy named Harry Edward Styles for the past 3 years and i can say he really is my only friend... I guess im not the type of person to make new friends. Its not that i dont want to meet him its just that i dont want him to think different of me. In pictures im fine in real life im horrific.

Another reason why I am so scared of meeting him is because i dont want him to judge me. Judge me about what you ask? Well believe it or not I am gay and thats a main reason why I am bullied. I only live with my mum. My parents got divorce because my father would abuse me day and night because i was gay. I have so many marks over my body from him and some are from my bullies. Me and my father were so close until i told my parent so sometimes i feel like im the reason they got divorced.

" Niall honey time to come down for breakfast before you have to drive to school on your human killer of a vehicle " My mum yelled

I sucked my teeth as i groaned from her comment. My mum thinks that my motorcycle is a death vehicle because it as no windows or door.

" OK MUM " I yelled back as i finshed putting my shirt over my head

I grabbed my bag and my keys from my desk and went downstairs setting them down on the chair.

" Morning mum " I said as i went to her and kissed her cheek

"Morning niiiiall" Shes dragged out my name as she put some pancakes, eggs, and bacon on my plate

We ate in comfortable silence as we made small chit chat from here and there. As i got up to grab my bag and keys i went to go put my shoes on. I walked outside and hopped on my motorcycle as my mum watched me waving and yelling " Be careful niall or ill smash that fuck'n bike" she smiled at me as i put my black helmet on. I started my ride and rode off to the school

Social Nerd Narry (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now