Book not ready to be made yet...

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Alrighty now... I announced this on my feed and I told you guys I'm gonna explain some stuff here. 

As you read the title, this book is not ready to be published yet. Why you may ask. Well I'm going somewhere for Christmas and staying there until New Years... And I leaving on Saturday. (I'm posting this on a Thursday) I honestly feel bad for leaving you guys for about 2 weeks. I love hanging out with you guys and I don't want you guys to miss me. So... I'll try to come onto Wattpad a few times while I'm there. 

Getting back on track with the book itself. Once I get back I'll see if I can publish the book. 

Also, THIS BOOK IS INSPIRED BY STUCK! I REPEAT! THIS BOOK IS INSPIRED BY STUCK! NOT CANON!!!! I already asked @HKpika if I could borrow Quin so you don't need to tell her! 

Concerning other books... I will for now on, will try to follow the schedule. School is going on and grades for me are kind of in Bs and A-s and maybe Cs so I'm trying to get higher grades. And I will try to put The Fused Ones on the schedule so don't be mad at me... 

Anyways, enough talk. I'll see you later! Bye! 


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