Chapter 1

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This is a new story I've been working on, I'm really excited about it so don't forget to vote and comment!! :) 

and just BTW, this takes place back in like 2009? (Ish) before they met Ratliff and they were R5... so yeah..


We all know the story of R5’s beginnings, how they met and became a band... But what if that wasn’t the whole story? What if there was someone else? Someone else who was there from the beginning? Well there was. And this is her side of the story.

“Okay class, Welcome everyone! This year is going to be a little different. The competitions have changed, so our program will too. So, today we’re just going to take measurements and height, and then you’re each going to give us all a little sample of your dancing. This will help us pair you up with someone else of the opposite gender in the class. Let’s begin” The new dance teacher said, standing in front of her class of about 10 of the oldest in the studio.

After about 5 people, it was my turn.

“Courtney” The teacher called, making me stand up to give a quick sample of some of my old routines.  Scanning the room briefly, a blonde boy, about my age, catching his eyes for a second. Then I looked away and got lost in the music.

A few seconds later, I was done, and the next kid was up. After a few more people, it was his turn. The blonde boy stood up when they called “Riker”. He too looked around and caught my eye for a second and did his routine.

Soon after, the class was over and everyone walked out, I went to the locker room to shower and change.

About halfway through, I thought I heard something, but I figured it was nothing, since I was alone. I ignored it and finished my shower, turning the water off.

I heard a voice again, calling, as I stepped out looking for my towel.

“AH” I yelled, seeing the blonde guy standing there. He jumped too, covering his eyes. I covered myself quickly.

“Sorry! I was looking for my sister! I didn’t hear you I swear!” He said.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry. Just turn around for a minute.” I told him, and he turned around right away. I quickly put on a pair of underwear and a bra. “Okay, you can turn around now.” I told him. I reached over to grab my sweat pants. “So who’s your sister?” I asked him.

“Rydel. Blonde, she’s in the younger class.” He explained.

“Oh, they’re not done yet. My roommate’s in there, they’ve still got a few more people to get through and then they’ll be out.” I explained, pulling on a shirt. I grabbed my bag. “C’mon, let’s go wait outside.”

“So I’m Riker, by the way. We just moved here.” He said, shaking my hand.

“Courtney. I did too, well kinda. Right after my birthday. But I’ve been coming here every summer for dance practically since I could walk.” I told him with a smile.

“Impressive. Now I know who I want as my partner.” He said, laughing a little. Just on time, the class ended, and the door opened, and several 14-17 year olds came out. A pretty blonde girl, similar looking to Riker came up to him, handing him her bag and leaning on his shoulder.

“Hi.” She said, looking up at him.

“Hi.” He laughed. “Rydel, this is Courtney, she’s in my class. Courtney, this is my sister, Rydel.” He introduced us. She gave me a smile and a wave as Ellington walked up.

“Hey, how was class?” my roommate asked me, taking my bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
“Good. We didn’t do much. Ell, this is Riker, and his sister—“

“Rydel” He finished before I could. “I saw you in class. You’re good.” He said with a smile at her.

“Well I’m going to go change real quick, be right back.” Ellington said, walking to the guys’ locker room.

“Me too” Rydel said, walking off towards the girls’, leaving me alone with Riker again.

“So… Your roommate’s a guy?” He asked, scratching the back of his neck. I laughed.

“Yeah, we met here a few summers ago. Just friends, he has a girlfriend, and he’s practically my brother.” I explained. I may have been imagining it, but he looked relieved. I ignored it, since Ellington was walking out. “Well, see you tomorrow?” I asked Riker.

“Okay, see ya.” He said, waving. I walked away with Ellington, resting my elbow on his shoulder.

“So..” Ellington said when we got to the car. “Do we like him.. or?” He asked me, smirking a bit as he started the car.

Lovin' You Ain't Easy, Nothing Ever Is (Riker Lynch/R5 Story)Where stories live. Discover now