Day 1

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This isn't Diary of the Wimpy Kid or The Diary of Anne Frank. Because I belong to a different generation. I was never put in a situation where if you touch the spoil cheese, you got the cheese touch. I was never in a middle of a war. Where was I? Simple, I was at home.

My name is Alexander Nziramasanga. I'm a pretty weird kid. That's what my classmates told me. How was I being weird? Probably screeching randomly and acting goofy. People don't take me seriously because I wasn't being serious myself. I just want to have fun all the time and not worry about the future. 

I was like a computer geek when I was 4 when I just hop on to the computer and start deleting my mom's files. Don't ask why I did it because I won't know why I did it. It's weird because my mom said that I fixed a problem on the computer. I don't what problem it was but I fixed it. All I remember is playing on the computer a lot. I remember I played Dora the Explorer game and I had a blast. But then next year, my parents divorced. Leaving me in custody for my mom and dad for my entire childhood until when I become an adult. I could just choose either my mom or dad but I love my parents a lot no matter what. When my dad starts heading off to work, I started to cry because I didn't want him to leave and when starts driving off, I started chasing the car until I got into the street. And when my mom starts leaving, I hugged my mom so she couldn't leave but it didn't work anyways.

Not thing really changed afterwards until 6th grade. I attended to a Hmong school for 3 years. I made a lot of friends and we get to go on field trips a lot. Even though I learned a little bit of numbers in Spanish, Hmong was the first language I was ever taught, even if I was a begineer in Hmong for 3 years straight.  Ms. Mua was my favorite teacher for my entire time being there. She was sweet and helped me get adjusted to a school I wasn't familiar to when I first transferred there. The school was all about making students into scholars as that was the motto we kept hearing. And they weren't lying, I think. Because almost everyone has to take Taekwondo, Music, Dancing, P.E., etc. In 6th grade, that changed a little bit because we get to pick a class we want to attend to. Back then,  kendamas were viral. Viral enough that my school had a kendama class. So I signed right up, but sadly I was put into yoga class. Which wasn't as bad as I thought because I get to meditate. And meditation is something I like doing because it helps you relax your mind and body. And if you try to do it properly, you can try to visualize where you are and what you are doing. I try my best to space myself out of my body and mind, trying to zoom out of everything. But there is another reason why I like meditating. Because in class, when your class starts meditating, you can close your eyes, and try to sleep. Pretending that you are meditating but all you are doing is resting your eyes so you can fall asleep.

I thought I can relax because I thought I can stay there until I graduate which I was half a year away from getting there. But then my mom decides to move because her job is changing location. I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't get to say goodbye to the girl who was a daring friend and the girl I liked my time being there, Chutima. I felt very guilty because I wanted to see her for the last time before I go. Same goes to my bro Lue, and my pretend cousin but also a bro Kamari. In Messenger, Lue was texting me he said something like "Chutima was crying because you didn't say goodbye to her." I wanted to go to the graduation so I can say goodbye face-to-face, but it didn't happen.

I had trouble fitting into schools where I lived. I went to Cruickshank Middle School, then went to Weaver Middle School, then finally settled in Bellevue Elementary School. I was reluctant to go to Bellevue Elementary School because I didn't think they were K-8 school. And also because I want to actually go to a middle school like 6-8. But it turned out okay. My 6th grade was decent. I made friends. I met Jesus. Jesus is like me, weird. But he's a cool person to hang out. We were being funny to each other and just having fun. I was moved to a different group and I was with 4 other people. I became friends with this girl called Kaylah. I believed we became friends because we shared a common interest, cats. Before me and my mom moved, we adopted a American Wirehair cat. We named her Mimi. I was talking about Mimi to Kaylah and even showed her pictures. It was funny because we were the only cat people in our class. My teacher was like showing us videos so every time when there is a video about cats, she would say our names because everyone knows we were the only ones who like cats. Then Jesus and Kaylah met each other and we became a trio of friends. Soon that trio of friends became a group of friends because I met Kaylah's friends. Then I met Jesus's friends. Then we all became friends with one another.

I never expect romance to come to my life. Although can you consider it romance if a boy likes a girl, but the girl doesn't like him back? Because that's what happened to me. I had ELA class with a different teacher and some of the students moved out of their class to go to their ELA class. While I was transitioning from class to class, a girl appeared out of the corner. While she is trying to walk past me, she would look at me once or twice, and I would look at her once or twice. She was beautiful and I liked her a lot. Her name was Sarah. At the time, she couldn't speak English well, at least what I heard of her sometimes. I wasn't sure if she was looking at me because she likes me or she's curious who I was. Since I'm too scared to ask her out or anyone out, I just kept my feelings to myself and just observe her while thinking about her. Another situation I was put on is when someone gave me a paper box, and in it was chocolate with a note that said "From your secret admirer" with a heart next to it. Obviously when got something from your secret admirer, you intend to hide the stuff and the note in your backpack or your pocket. But since this is me, and not knowing what an 'secret admirer' is, I raised my hand to my teacher, she picked on me, and I said "What is a 'secret admirer'?" Everyone was mumbling, laughing, and oh-ing silently. I don't remember what my teacher said, but one of my friends told me what it means. And I thought to myself how god damn stupid I am. I felt really embarrassed, and I believe my former secret admirer was also embarrassed as well. After that, nothing really happened with me and this 'secret admirer' so I believe that person moved on.

Nothing really happened much during 6th grade. All I did is hang out with my friends, play on my computer, and my PS2. When my birthday came up, Minecraft was really popular at the time so I wanted him to get Minecraft. He did. And because of that, my name went from Alex, to Sky...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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