1: Prolonge

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"I don't remember much that day it was mostly all a blur like I was in a state of between reality and dreams. It didn't feel real yet I knew that it was real, even though I was just a child I can still remember quite vividly."

"Can you tell me more of what happened that night? That is if you can still remember."

"I guess it would be a good start as any to explain how this happened. Alright well I don't remember too much but I still remember what happened before I was cornered...."


I stumbled in a city alleyway it was too dark to see anything so I didn't know where to go or how to escape. Hearing footsteps I looked up shivering seeing three big men looming over me with dangerous weapons that looked like they were lit with something. Thinking this was my final night of living I curled up tight closing my eyes preparing for the worse. First there was evil chuckling then suddenly grunts and yells of pain and silence.

I was confused but when I looked up I was shocked to see a teen boy with a kind smile holding his hand out to me. I was still scared so I stayed curled up not fully trusting him yet but he still kept a warm smile then gave me a bit of food he had.

"Here, I'm probably guessing you're pretty hungry yeah? I'm Aidan, what's your name little one?" I hesitantly took the food and looked at him observing his features and what he was wearing. It was still a little dark but I could see that he was wearing some sort of cloak and his hair looked neat and slicked back. But I also felt a little upset because I couldn't remember my name......I can't remember how I got here or why I was even running from those men, I just knew they meant bad things.

"I......I don't know mister Aidan......I can't remember. Why can't I remember?!"

He looked down at me sadly and held out his hand to me again giving me a look of concern and worry, this time I took his hand in mine and he gave me a small smile. "I don't know little one, but right now we should get out of here, its not safe here. I'll help you out of here I promise and you can stay with me if you like?" I again was hesitant but slowly nodded and got up following after him thankful for the street lights as we walked.

"Where are we going Mister Aidan?"

Aidan looked down at me with a big smile and gently squeezed my hand. "To you're new home, its not far from here. My brother and I will take good care of you I promise."

At that moment as we arrived at this big building and saw another older teen nearby I thought that maybe this won't be too bad. If I can't remember who I was then maybe....maybe I can have a better life here with these two kind strangers. For the first time I finally feel safe I can call this place my home.


"I see, well we are out of time for this first session, but same time tomorrow yes?"

"Yes, thank you Doctor."

The room melts away and so does the patient, I open my eyes finally back in the normal room. Signing I take the metal helmet off and walk over to my desk writing down what I've learned and look out the window over looking the city. I look back at the patient in the machine gritting my teeth getting up and walking back to the human holding tube feeling my patience wear thin. But I know it'll be a matter of time before I can finally make my move....soon I'll have my revenge I just have to keep waiting.

"You will soon bring all to ashes my puppet just still need to pick at your brain a little more." I smirked before turning my back leaving the office for the night, I only need a few more sessions then they won't help but be completely under my control. Soon this all will be rebuilt in a new era an era that has been waiting underground far too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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