Red Walls

718 21 19

A/N All written in Connor's POV

This will not be the exact scene and lines, I sometimes alter things a bit.

"You should stop playing that game." I said coldly. Even if I'm remained focus on the mission I started to 'care' for him.

"Go on.. Finish your mission if that's all you cared about." he replied. No.. I don't want to care about my mission anymore.

"But lieutenant-"

"I said get out!" he cut me off. When I started working with the lieutenant it felt different. I felt like my mission is wrong. Then in my vision a red wall appeared.

'Stop the Deviants' it says everywhere. I broke the wall and there was another one.

I broke it again.

Another one popped out. I broke it in half. Until everything is different.

No task bar, and my vision is more.. Alive..

"Hey Connor.. The f*ck are you doing did you lagged?" Hank noticed me.

Amanda VV

I took the gun and threw it away thru the other side of the room. I don't care if Amanda despise me, I don't want Hank to harm himself, I want to help him.

"What the hell did you d-" I gave him a hug and I started to tear up.


Gonna end it here.. Short and sweet xD
The neighbors are slowly killing me with their 'beautiful' voices. Even if I use my headset with maxed volume(plus max Phone Volume) I can still hear them..

Dammit they just won't stop..

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