Banana Boy (Child!Len x Reader)

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"Len, come here this instant!!"

"Hahaha! Can't catch me!"

Len's parents were on a business trip while his older sister, Rin, was having a sleepover in her friend's house. Since Len was too young to take care of himself, his parents asked you to be incharged of him, since you were a responsible daughter of Mrs. (Last Name), Len's mom closest friend. So here you are, trying to stop Len from running around the house without his shorts on.

"Len, please stop running! You might break someth-"

Your eyes widened as you saw the vase, that was once sitting on a small round table, fell on the floor and shattered into pieces.

"Oops... S-sorry." Len apologized as he took a step, away from the broken vase and looked down.

"Oh my God, Len. What have you done!?" You said, your voice raising a little.

Your hands went up to your hair and gripped on it as you fell, sitting on the floor with your legs bent on both side of you.

"H-how am I supposed to explain this to your parents?" You asked.

Len looked around, trying to find his shorts. Once he found it, he put it on.

'My shorts are too big.' Len thought with a frown on his face.

Len walked towards you, his shorts fell twice before he was in front of you.

"D-don't worry (First Name)-chan, I will tell them that I'm the one who did that." He said, pointing at the broken vase.

"But your parents are gonna be mad at you!" You said, looking at him, worried.

"What? Nahh.. No one can be mad at this cute face." Len smiled as he put his hands on his cheeks and slightly squeezed them.

You giggled at his cuteness and hugged him, Len happily returning the hug.

"Thanks... Banana Boy."

"Your welco- wait did you just called me Banana Boy?" Len asked, a smile forming on his face.

"Yes, yes I did.." You smiled back at him.

"Yay! (First Name)-chan called me Banana Boy!" Len jumped around happily, his shorts fell on the floor, and starts running around the house again. Your smile disappeared instantly.

"Len!! Stop! Hey! You might step on the broken vase!" You stood up and tries to stop him again.

Ahhh... Here you two go AGAIN.

Banana Boy  (Child!Len x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now