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It was only a matter of time until other students around Beacon would find out about Jaune's lie of getting into the school. To prevent further outcry, Ozpin had to make the tough decision of making Jaune leave the school unceremoniously, leaving Team JNPR without a leader, and Jaune's image cracked.

With no school, no friends, and only his weapon on his back, Jaune wasn't left with much else and was ready to give up. That was until an idea popped into his head...Or a sudden Dust shop inferno near him. Immediately, he rushed over to the accident.

When he arrived, he saw the shopkeeper sitting a block away from the blaze. Out of the blaze came a small girl as she collapsed on the ground, her breathing was heavy and slow. While the shopkeeper was on his scroll with the authorities, Jaune was trying his best to stay with the girl, trying to keep her breathing.

"The ambulance won't be here for another 30 minutes" The shopkeeper said as Jaune continued to feel the girl's pulse and breathing, slowly getting weaker with each passing second. Jaune in a teary eyed state, continued to try and keep her alive.

"I don't know who you are, you may not know me... but I'm not losing anyone else today!" Jaune yelled as he continued to try and save the girl, as he slowly began to lose faith. Suddenly, from the palm of his hands, light began to shine, as the burns from the girl began to disappear, and the girls breathing began to stabilize.

As this happened, Team RWBY and the rest of Team JNPR arrived at the scene as they tried to control the blaze and were surprised to see Jaune helping out, not to mention his glowing palms. In a matter of minutes, the fire of the shop disappeared, and the girl was stable and fully healed.

With a deep breath, Jaune finally began to calm down. A bigger surprise to him, was to see the small girl he saved wake up, his bright eyes and grin meeting with her uniquely different colored eyes. And with no warning, Jaune was immediately tackled by Nora, as she began to say, "I knew you had it in you!" followed by Pyrrha and Ren who smiled at the slight reunion of their team. Even the small girl, smiled brightly as Team RWBY joined them as well, glad to see that their "vomit boy" is ok and that he had something "unique" about himself.

Eventually, the authorities arrived to assess the scene of the inferno and check on those that were injured. To the ambulance drivers astonishment, the small girl that Jaune healed was spotless; as if she was never injured in the first place. With a nervous look at them and the rest of his friends, he shrugged, unsure of what happened and simply said, "I guess I found my semblance."

With the situation under control, the authorities left as both teams were left with the small girl. Jaune kneeled down and asked her, "do you live near by here? I bet your family is worried about you." She silently nodded as she pointed to where she was going. Because he couldn't go back to Beacon, and her still technically recovering from injury, he decided to escort her home.

"You guys should head back to your dorms. I know you guys still have classes tomorrow" Jaune said. "Alright, we're still here for you Jaune" Pyrrha said as he gave all of them a group hug before going with the young girl to her home.

The small girl held onto his hand as they walked. Neither one was talking for a bit as the night began to linger. "I'm guessing you're pretty shy." Jaune said, breaking the silence. The girl nodded silently as she smiled. "It's ok, so am I at times. Still, I'm glad you're ok."

Soon after, the both of them arrived at a small apartment complex. "Now that I think about it, I never got your name." The girl took a stick from the ground as she wrote her name on small patch of dirt near the building. "Hmm, Neo. That's a very nice name. Well Neo, I'm glad you're safe and feeling better. Just be careful ok? I hope to see you again soon." With a smile, a hug and pat on the head. Jaune was on his way. Not until his sleeve got pulled first by Neo.

"Hmm?" Jaune said confused. Neo pointed at the apartment building, holding on to his sleeve still. "Oh no, I couldn't stay with you Neo. Thank you for your offer to stay, but it's ok. I got my own apartment my parent got for me too just in case something were to happen if...N-nevermind. I'll be ok, but thank you."

With a light jump, Neo kissed Jaune's cheek as she grinned and skipped to her apartment. He touched his cheek and grinned back as he began to walk home and rest. "It's been a long day for all of us, so I think it's time to get some rest. And with that a new start would begin for Jaune, one that was beyond what he hoped for."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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