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I wake up the next morning and remember the argument or whatever it was me and Cash had yesterday. I check my phone and read his messages finally.



-i'm sorry okay..

-call me when u wake up or whatever


-am i picking u up tmrw?

I sigh and don't answer them or call. I get dressed and do my hair and makeup. I head downstairs and into the kitchen.
My mom is already at work so it's just me, I see she left the coffee pot on for me and I pour myself a cup and drink it quick. My phone buzzes again but I ignore it. I run back to my room and grab my book bag and car keys.
I go back downstairs and put my empty coffee cup in the sink and turn the pot off.
I head out the door and hop into my car.
I turn on the engine and drive to school.
Luckily I found a place to park and head inside the school.

I go to my locker and grab the books I need for my morning classes. As I close my locker I catch a glimpse of Cash walking down the hall,
quickly I turn around and scurry off to my home room. I take my seat and the class goes by rather fast. I take my notes and do my work no problem, the bell rings letting us know it's time to switch. I head out my class and see Cash waiting for me in the hall, he doesn't see me through the crowd so I take the long way to my class. I am really trying not to deal with him right now. I get to my next class and sit next to Audrey.

"So you talk to Cash?" she asks as I get my books out, I look at her confused.
"Hm?" is all I can say, acting dumb.
"He asked if you're okay" she says, I look away and act like I'm interested in the work up front.
"Audrey, shh" I say silently, she shrugs and lets it go. Good, because the last thing I need is to deal with her as well and the questions.

I get so caught up in my work I don't realize it's time to switch till everyone gets up. I rushingly put my things away and turn in my work and head to my next class.. the class I have with Cash. I feel my heart pound in my chest but I take a deep breath and walk in acting normal.
I wanna ask Audrey to switch seats with my but I know that's going to raise a question so I just take my usual seat and swallow the lump in my throat when Cash walks in, who looks hella exhausted and pissed off. He plops into his seat throws his bag over his chair. I breathe and act like I don't notice and turn my music on.
I can see him tapping his fingers on his desk irritated, I shift in my seat and just focus on my work. Surprisingly ignoring him is easy. Till the teacher takes the notes off the board and stand in from there class.

I take my headphones out and pay attention.
I feel Cash's eyes on me and I want to say something but I don't.. I can't do I don't pay any attention to him, I'm so lost in my own surroundings that I don't realize the teacher calls on me. Like an idiot when my name is called when the teacher tries getting my attention I shoot my hand up.

"Glad you're paying attention. Now do you want to participate or stay in la la land?" The teacher literally calls me out, my hand goes down and I nod.
"Yes" I say, the teacher turns around and goes back to talking to the class. That was kinda unnecessary. I pay attention to the board and what's going on up front and less on things around me, class ends and I leave before Cash even gets up. I hurry to my locker and switch out books but Cash catches up.

"Cash I really don't want to talk" I say closing my locker door. He nods and looks away
"Look, I didn't mean to snap" he looks back at me, I look away and start walking, him following.
"No, not now" I say
"Okay then after school" he says, I stop and look at him feeling my lips curve.
"No Cash! Not now! Not ever" I snap and walk to class leaving him in the crowd. I walk past Amber and I wanna say something to her or go off but it's not even worth it, but I watch her go to Cash who greets her and they walk together. Didn't he just say he's done with her? Whatever.

As usual I make it through the day, I walk to my locker hoping Cash would be there waiting but he isn't, I put my books away and walk out the building. I see Cash leaning against the wall with his friends talking and Amber draped around him he smiles at her and kisses her.
My stomach churns and I bolt to my car. I don't know if he saw me or not and I honestly don't care. I find myself tearing up, why am I tearing up? I clear my throat and keep my eyes dry and drive out of the parking lot and to my house. I get home and greet my mom in the living room.

"So how was school?" she asks as usual.
"Normal, boring" I shrug and sit next to here
"You okay?" she asks me, I nod
"Yeah I'm fine mom, just tired" I lie and toss on a quick smile. She notices but ignores it and nods. I stand up and head to my room.
I close my door and start crying, my back against the door sitting on the floor head in my hands. I hear my phone ring and I don't see who it is but I just answer it.

"Hello?" I say trying to cover up my cracking voice

"Riley? are you okay" its Cash! Oh no! He is the last person I wanna talk to, why did I answer?

"Yeah" I lie, my voice breaks and I sniffle

his line is silent but I hear him breathing.

"Do you want me to come over?" he asks

I shake my head no knowing he can't see me

"No" I hang up.

I stand up and wipe my tears away. I fucking hate crying and I feel so weak when I do.
I start to do my homework and an hour passes when my mom knocks on my door letting me know dinner is done. I get up and head down the stairs and into the dinning room.
I sit across the table from her and eat my food in silence.

"So what are you doing up there?" she asks
I swallow my food and drink my tea.
"Studying" I answer
"Okay, well I'm going out in an hour so will you be okay?" she says asking me.
"Yeah, I got it. I'll just probably watch netflix or study more" I shrug finishing my food
"Okay sweetie" she smiles. I nod and get yo wand wash the dishes in the sink. I hang out downstairs with my mom till her date arrives and she leaves. I go back to my room and turn netflix on.

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