Chapter 11- Mel

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Mike's POV:
It was perfect. That kiss was perfect. It was more than perfect. It was heavenly. I know I sound like a teenage girl ranting about her first kiss. But that was something else. El was the perfect girl for me to kiss. And now she is my girlfriend!

I can still feel her lips on mine, I remembered feeling that spark between us, the electricity. Her lips were so soft. And she is so beautiful. She is perfect.

I ran back to my house after El told me to run, she said her dad was coming. I ran right into my house and zoomed upstairs to my room. I couldn't stop smiling.

I flopped onto my bed and was breathing hard.

"Michael!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What?!" I yell back.

"Hey, down take that tone with me!" I can't roll my eyes any harder.

"Coming!" I yell back, still sounding annoyed. I walk downstairs. "What?" I try not to sound annoyed.

"Dinner is ready." She says calmly. She was just yelling at me, how can she go from demonic mom to 'nothing even happened' mom? I brush the thought off and nod. I took a seat next to Nancy, away from Holly. (My other sister)

Holly tends to spit whenever she talks and she is always spitting her food out because it tastes weird. She is five or six years old and she is still acting like a baby.

My mom made pizza for dinner, I love pizza. I ended up eating six slices of pizza. I wasn't exactly full yet but my mom told me to stop eating and save some for the rest of them.

I went down to my basement and sat on the couch. I was just thinking about recent events like it's almost Christmas and almost Winter break, and the Snowball is coming up, kissing El.

Oh my god! El must want to go to the Snowball! I'll ask her tomorrow at school. It's Friday tomorrow so I'll ask her during lunch.
Yeah, I'll do that.

I smiled to myself and laid back into the couch. El is my girlfriend and I'm going to ask her to the dance. Everything has changed since she got here, and it hasn't even been that long.

With that I fell asleep...

I woke up the next morning at seven as per usual. I got dressed and wore black clothes, but this time I wore my blue hoodie and white Nikes.

I went downstairs and ate breakfast that my mom made me and I was out the door and 7:30. I still had an hour till school starts so I figured that I can go get El.

Everywhere was white, covered with snow. The roads and sidewalks were cleared so I can still ride my bike.

I rode my bike over there and knocked on her door. A few seconds later, her dad opened the door.

"Wheeler, what do you want?" He didn't sound mean, he just sounded tired.

"Is El up yet?" He turned and yelled "El." I heard a faint 'Coming' coming from the house.

"She'll be down in a minute." He told me and I nodded. There was an awkward silence going on for a few seconds until he decided to say something. "Until she gets here, I'll tell you something." He walked out and stood right in front of me, closing the door in the process. I gulped because he looked mad.

"You don't hurt El, and I'll be happy. You hurt El and there will be consequences, I'm a cop and there will be consequences." He said in a stern voice. "Got it?" He asked, I nodded and gulped. The door opened and El looked at me and smiled. Hopper looked at her and smiled.
"Have a nice day." He hugged her and kissed her head. She walked over to me and we got on my bike.

"Hi, El." I smiled at her, instantly looking at her lips. I wanted to kiss her again.

"Hey, Mike." She caressed my cheek, making my cheeks get hot despite it being so cold out.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask her.

"Mike, you don't have to as-" I cut her off by smashing my lips into hers. We were already out of our street so no one seen us. She wrapped her arms around my neck and mine around her waist.

We were now like twenty seconds away from school.

I think every time I kiss her, I'll get chills and melt from her touch. She pulled away and smiled.

"After school in the library, we will finish this." I smiled and kissed her cheek. I began to pedal and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

We got there and we walked into the school. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She looked at me and leaned her head on my shoulder. But we had to break apart and unlock our lockers.

We both threw our backpacks in them. We immediately grabbed each other's hands and walked outside.

There were swings behind the school, so we went there and sat on them. We first wiped the snow off of it before we sat on them. I made a decision to ask her now instead of at lunch.

El, can I ask you a question?" I looked at her and she nodded. "Will you go to the Snowball with me?" She smiled so I took that as a good thing.

"Of course, I'll go with you." She kissed my cheek, making the both of us blush.

"Mike! I know you're there!" Dustin yelled. I can tell that it was Dustin, he yells loud and when I say loud I mean loud. Besides, it sounded like him.

"We are back here! On the swings!" I yell back laughing.


"Yes, we!"

"Oh!" He walked to us and Max, Lucas, and Will followed behind.

"Hey, guys." El waved at them.

"Heyyyy." Max says to El, she can tell that something is going on. I mean come on, we are back here alone.

"What are you guys doing?" Lucas asked us wiggly his eyebrows.

"Aww, Mel is coming true." Dustin pretended to wipe away tears.

"Mel?" I ask them confused.

"Yeah it's your guys' ship name, you know El and Mike put together equals Mel." Dustin explains. (I couldn't put Mileven because her name isn't Eleven, it's El so I made up the ship name. Just FYI.)

"Oh, okay." El looked at me and smiled, I smiled back because I can't help but grin when I see her smiling.

My parents keep borrowing money from me🙄 I've been counting how much they're taking and guess how much they owe me? 536 dollars. Every time I get paid, they ask for money. Anyway, thank you for reading, please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

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