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Here are the rules:

1. This will be an aged-up UA AU, as I'm not really a fan of how they start throwing what's basically children into heroics and fighting villains, so UA is now a college in this book, besides any differently stated AU chapters.

2. No smut. Period. We can do fluff, but no smut. I'm okay with heavy make-outs and things like that, but once the clothes start to come off it fades to black.

2. Cursing is allowed.

3. You must fill out a form.

4. If I don't respond within an hour or two, tag me. Usually I check my notifications at least three times every day, but sometimes I forget.

6. You didn't notice I skipped 5. The password is the number I skipped.

7. No OP characters. It's no fun if your character does everything perfectly without even getting the tiniest scratch.

8. Play my crush and I'll play yours

9. Please don't spam me. If I don't reply, I'm either at work or sleeping. If you spam me over 10 times, I will not respond, and I will eventually delete the chain if you continue to do so. If I have given you a warning twice, or if I have deleted your chain and you still spam me, you will be banned from the book. I have a life, you know.

10: This is a semi-literate rp. Things like this:
Victoria waved.
Victoria: Heya!
Are okay, but please try to use proper grammar, and give me a little bit to go off of in your replies.

11: Please keep your response in one comment. I understand if you hit the 'post' button accidentally while you are trying to type, since I do it all the time. If you hit the post button and decide to add something after it, copy what you put the first time and add onto it, before deleting the original comment and posting the new one.


13: If you don't respond for a while, I will put (.) on the chain to remind you of it.

14: If I am playing multiple of my OCs in a scenario, you only have to play the crush of the main oc that I am using.

15: OP quirks are allowed, but don't rp your oc as op, meaning don't make it so that they never get hit and always beat their opponents. Sometimes even the strongest of people need help.

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