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Dear Readers,
This is my first attempt on writing a fan Fiction of Seraph of the end. Id appreciate any feedback you guys. Happy reading!

The night was still as Lieutenant Ueno,stalked the outskirts of Shinjuku. The wanning moon hanging overhead,illuminating the scattered remnants of the once bustling city. Buildings,cars all lay in ruin. Humans never truly able to overcome the heinous virus which had wiped most of humanity off the map. Sticking to the shadows the young woman continued her slow campaign to the inner walls of Shinjuku. Where safety would soon find her, but that moment was fleeting. As the sudden appearence of 3 Horsemen of John made themselves known to Lieutenant Ueno. The woman's dull amber orbs darting back and fourth,assessing her situation before choosing to stand her ground. Her right hand gripping onto the hilt of her "Cursed Gear".

As already just by gripping onto the hilt, Ueno could feel the dangerous rush of demonic aura. Raging as slowly Ueno drew her black and gold steeled blade. Muttering a single phrase to the steel. Causing the demonic aura to spread across the terrain. Her aura as black as a ravens sing, with a hint of amber mixed within it. A reflection of the very demon Ueno had made a contract with. The demonic eneegy then lashed out towards the 3 Horsemen of John. Giving Ueno the opputunity to strike. Her blade swiftly plunging into the underbelly of one of her enemies. Their blood splattering about, coating the young lieutenant. But she ignored the mess, before immediatly bounding out of the way of an oncoming tentacle.

The appendage digging into the very earth,missing the woman who seemed to almost twirl about in the air. Blade in hand as with a series of vertical cuts, the second Horsemen of John crumbled before Lieutenant Ueno. The massive creature stumbling to the ground before the woman. Who's raven locks whipped around in disarray. The remaining Horsemen of John releasing a loud screech into the air. Before going on the offense.

The large creature running towards Lieutenant Ueno, who remained still. Her gold and black hued demonic aura continuing to ripple around the woman. Concentrating mostly around the katana the woman held. Her grip tensing slightly on the hilt as the final Horsemen was forced to kneel before her. Ueno quickly sidestepping the assault,before slicing the beast in half. Its blood raining down upon Lieutenant Ueno,who quietly sheathed her blade.

Turning her attention to the inner sanctom of Shinjuku. Now more than ever seeking to return to civilisation. If anything for a shower as she smell of the horesmens blood lingered on Ueno's clothes and skin. Causing her to hold back a dry heave. Releasing a light sigh the young woman continued her journey. Soon entering the safety of Shinjuku. But not before being greeted by none other than Ueno's superior commander. And brother. Kagami Ueno. A man well known through the Imperial Demon Army. Kagami was a very strict man,since Riye could remember. Her brother was never one to mince words.

Upon noticing his sister, the steel eyed Kagami without a word. Bid his sister to follow,which she obidently did. Knowing her place was to follow,even if they were blood. The Imperial Demon Army believed above of all about loyalty.  Your families name could only get you so far, and because of this Kagami had always pushed himself and Riye to be above all. The exceptional who earned their place and power. Tailing behind her tall brother silently,the two siblings entered a room. Riye casually taking a seat in a nearby chair, while her brother quietly roamed the room.

His presence thickening the very air itself as the stern man spoke. His words harsh and unwavering. Somethings just never changed,he would never show favor to his sister. And to this Riye had given up on, knowing her brother did infact care about her to some extent. But she always knew she was second. The Imperial Demon Army was his first priority now and forever.

"Your next mission will be as followed. You are to keep a close eye on Colonel Ichinose Guren. We believe he has a hidden agenda that could impact the human race. We must know where his loyalties lie." Kagami instructed, his words seeming so far away now. As Riye quietly gasped at her brother's words. It had been 5 years since she had met the Colonel. Back the Riye was nothing but a novice, without a Cursed Gear.

The two had crossed paths on the battlefield. Riye was sure Colonel Guren had forgotten. But she had not. She could never forget the pain which formed in those violent orbs of his. The sudden rush of familiarity as Riye's own blood seemed to be crying out to the young Guren. So much that it had caught the young Guren's attention. Who peered down towards the breathless Riye. Asking who she was.

It was that moment which drove Riye, the chance to meet someone so similar to herself. A person whom ached just as she. Riye had felt that the moment her amber orbs landed on Guren. A certain kinship between the two before Riye was forced away from the scene. Deemed an nuisance to the battle, and was only allowed to watch. And the more she watched, the more her stomach began to do somersaults.

There was something about Guren that drew Riye in. And to finally have the opputunity to meet him. To show him how strong she had become, was simply all Riye wished. The young woman struggling to hold back a brief smirk. "I can do that." She breathed, answering abit too quickly for her brother's liking who sighed heavily. "Swallow your emotions Riye, they have no place on this mission." Kagami ordered as Riye choked back her smile, not wishing to anger her brother.

"I wont fail you brother." "I would hope not,otherwise..." "I know, i dont need to be reminded of that." Riye muttered before raising to her feet, irritation evident in her tone of voice. As she moved to leave the room and yet her brother continued his banter. Increasing in Riye's irritation. She knew what was at stake. She did not need a constant reminder. "I get it already!" Riye spat angrily her spike in anger testing her brother's paicence who released a low growl. "Watch your tone with me Riye." He barked his voice filled with authority which made Riye groaning kneel to his authority before leaving the room.

"Yes brother." Riye whispered into the air before quietly taking her leave. While Kagami Ueno, began to contemplate whether placing his sister in charge of such a mission was wise. He knew of his sister's breif past with Guren, and hoped it wouldnt be a problem. For if it was Kagami would do as he was instructed. Take matters into his own hands,regardless of the casualties.

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