Chapter one

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I wake up to an usual day . But unlike any other story the sunlight does not come streaming to my face and wakes me up (Thank God!)because mom keeps my curtains closed when I sleep and I don't have my bed near the window it's sorta in the middle. Let's say I don't know how to explain it to you. Well this is what it looks like......

 Well this is what it looks like

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Voilà..... Meet my bedroom.
Did I mention my favorite color is red
I know it's tooooooo much but anyways I love it.
Okay , so how did I wake up when there was no sun light streaming out my windows ? Well my annoying brothers  Bill(short for William)and Kris were shining a torch in my face.
How the hell they go in my room?
No clue
Sneeks 😤
"Yah!! What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Oh nothing just shining a torch in your face"Bill answered. "YOU CALL THAT NOTHING!!!!!!" I yelled. "Monster Sister in attack mode, RUN!!!!!"Kris yelled and both ran out of my room. "Whatever" I said to my self. I got up and opened the windows

Wow!!! So far I've never realized this view until today

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Wow!!! So far I've never realized this view until today. Guess it's because I've been studying so hard so I can make up for what my parents did for me soo far .Even to realize this view . How many people in this world has a balcony garden that looks over their neighbors roofs tops. And I know I have made up for all what my parents did by studying hard and passing all my exams and besides I'm gonna graduate......... OMG!!!!!!!! Today Is ..............Graduation Day!!!!!!!!!!
How can I forget?."Yah , I'm sooooo stupid .... Wait what's the time? 7:45pm...... OMG Better get dressed.....what should I is filled with so many tough questions....WHY??????"I asked myself. So this is what I wore. Hope it looks nice.....

 Hope it looks nice

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I had to chose between these two

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I had to chose between these two .... I wanted something simple but complicated at the same time .... So...... I went for the black one( Oooooo BTW I like black as well , you know it's one of my favorite colors ) Okay now hair style...... I have short hair so perhaps this.......

Although I do hv black hair and my hair is up to my collar bone maybe a little longer

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Although I do hv black hair and my hair is up to my collar bone maybe a little longer... Anyway this suits me...
So I'm all done I grab my graduation coat thing( can't remember what you call it...oops....whatever.) and run down the stairs and barrel strait into my dad's arms."Whoa there, Alex dear, you hv forgotten your make up"he told me.(Oh No,) I run back upstairs while searching for a simple make up so I found this picture ...... And I tried it..... And .... I look GOOD!

Simple but elegant

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Simple but elegant.

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