A Frustrating Pet

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She had done it before and yet today, due to the ungodly hour, the trip seemed like a mountain hike. Her long hair flowed as softly subtle waves moving with the wind as she left her house. She wrapped her scarf around her tightly, shuddering slightly. Her heart dropped as she looked at the maze of trees and mysteries in front of her. During the day the sight was almost magical. A winter wonderland filled with soft snow and beautiful crystals. But right now at this moment, it was a sight that was ominous and terrifying. But she had to go. Cider was lost again.

Cider often did whatever he felt he should including leaving whenever he wanted. Usually, she wouldn't mind letting him come in and out as he pleases. But occasionally he would wander too far into the woods behind their small home. Not only was today one of those days but also it was the day she would have to face her greatest fear. The darkness.

She took a step into the abyss, also known as the woods. The anxiety dripping into her heart suddenly seemed to pour. She had only ever been in the woods at night one other time. She barely remembers it. Her therapist said that she repressed the memory. Just the idea of what horrible thing might have happened mortified her. Her breath quickened then hitched as she heard a small noise from deeper into the woods. Like a light crunch in the snow. If it weren't for the almost dead silence she probably wouldn't have heard it. She almost ran back but reason halted her.

" It's a forest full of animals. This is their home. You are an invader. If anything they should be scared of your loud ass footsteps," she thought to herself.

She took a deep breath and a step forward. The once bright moonlight was dimmed by a thick cloud turning the entire scene almost pitch black. She took out her phone and turned the flashlight on and prayed she would find him soon.

"Cider," she whisper-screamed. "Cider! I swear to glob when I find you I'm gonna sell you to the Chinese food restaurant."

And almost like clockwork, she heard a faint hiss in the distance. She gasped and began to walk briskly towards the aggressive kitty. Her excitement was overwhelming as not only had she found her baby this also meant she could leave this hell hole.

It wasn't long until she saw the brown hair cat. She didn't even think twice before picking up Cider and kissing him.

"Oh my baby kitten I'm so happy you're not dead...kinda"

However, Cider continued hissing at the same thing as before. With curiosity, she snapped her head in the same direction as the frazzled cat and her eyes widened with terror.

She couldn't exactly see what that 'thing' was. All she could see was a tall black mass hunched over a small lump. The creature was breathing heavily and its body contracting and expanding slowly. She could hear a faint dripping noise coming from the top of the monster. But the thing that put her off most was the smell. It was the most horrid smell she had ever experience. The only way she could describe it was a mix of spoiled eggs and spaghetti mixed together in a hot garbage can.

She gagged by reflex and the monster turned around. All she saw was two ruby eyes before running as fast as she could towards her house.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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