I Was No One Special

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Dean x Prophet!Reader

Summary: What happens when Sam and Dean stumble across a shy girl who just so happens to be the key to finding the answers they have been looking for.

Word Count: 1397

Warnings: Language, nightmares, frustration, anger

A/N: This has been bouncing around in my head for a long time now. I hope it's good. I had a clear picture of what I wanted this to look like, and I'm not sure if it comes across.

*Loosely edited* Please excuse any stray grammar/spelling issues. 

Dean's POV

We've been running round and round for months, chasing our own tails, looking for an answer on how to crack this freaking thing. Every time we think we're close to finding the one person who can read it, it's a dead end. we have no name, no location, no nothing to go off of.

In the meantime we've been looking under every rock, taking every case that looks like it could be demons. Whoever this person is, the demons have to what them as bad as we do.

"Sammy let's go!" I hollered, tossing the last bag into the backseat. This town was only a couple towns over and it looked like it had some leads.

The drive there was absolutely mundane, but the stress this is bringing is taking its toll. We're both exhausted, but hey, part of the job right. I'll sleep when we get whoever this person is away from those evil sons of bitches.

We had no leads at this point, and needed food, so we hit the local diner, My eye caught a glimpse of a woman sitting alone at the bar, drinking a cup of coffee. Everything in me wanted to go over there, but Sammy pulled the reins back. We had work to do, and I knew it, so I pushed those interests to the wayside.

We did our usual thing, sat and talked through what we knew. I had gotten up to use the restroom, and on my way back I locked eyes with that same girl. I knew from the moment I saw those Y/E/C eyes, there was something different about her, but nothing strong enough to pinpoint what it was. All of this happened in a matter of a couple of seconds. She offered a shy smile, before turning away with a slight rose tint to her cheeks.

Normally, I'd have been all 'hell yea', and chatting her up, but I just couldn't do it. Maybe it's just the fact that we have so much going on right now. Whatever it is, it's weirding me out, and I don't like it.

Later that day we found ourselves at an office building talking to some of the employees who may have unknowingly see the demons in town. In the middle of talking to one of the ladies at the reception desk, I looked up just in time to catch those same big Y/E/C eyes, before she bolted. "Excuse me." I smile at the lady I was talking to, and took off down the hallway after her, Sam following suit.

We cut her off, "Hey". She looked genuinely scared when she realized she was trapped between us. Not like the fake fear you see out of things dressed as humans. Something was after her, and she thought it was us.

She backed herself against the wall, "Stay the hell away from me!" Her eyes darted back and forth between me and Sam. "I saw you earlier, Why are you and those other guys following me?"

"We weren't following you. I only chased you because you ran. Generally people run when they have something to hide." I told her.

Sam jumped in, "Other guys? Who else is following you?"

"I don't know. It's these two guys though. They keep showing up wherever I go, and they just watch me. It's really starting to freak me out a little bit, so forgive me if I'm a little on edge."

"So you're telling me that I was chosen by god, and now a bunch of demons are after me?"

"Yea, I think that about sums it up."

She processed it for a second, "Okay you realize you both sound insane, right?"

"Y/N, something strange happened about two months ago didn't it?"

"How do you know about that? I never told anyone about it."

"We know about it, because we now that's when you became the next prophet."

She didn't say anything for the longest time, but her face went through about a dozen different expressions. I knelt down in front of her, and placed a hand on her knee. She looked up at me through those long eyelashes with the same shy look, and hint of rosey cheeks as she did at the diner. "Look, Y/N, I know you're probably scared, but-"

She scoffed, "Scared, oh yeah, I'm a little scared, but more than anything, I'm pissed off!" She Looked around the room, "I was no one special. I had an ordinary life, and now I'm supposed to be some big key to solving this giant puzzle. To top it all off, now I have demons on my ass, and it's all because some lazy son of bitch up there doesn't have the balls to take care of his own business!"

I'm starting to like this girl more and more. "I couldn't agree more." I assured her, "But, you're going to need to come with us so that those demons can't find you." Her eyes darted around the room once more, refusing to meet mine. "Y/N?" .

"I'm- I-m sorry, I just. This is all so crazy. I mean really. How does one go from some ordinary, no name, small town girl, to being this freak of nature who can read some old as fuck language, and see things happen before they do."

Sam and I locked eyes immediately. "Wait. What?"


"You see things before they happen. Like, you can legit prophesy?"

She looks confused "I- I don't know for sure. All I know is that there's been more than one time, I've dreamed something would happen only to see it on the news days later exactly like I dreamed it." She took a deep breath, and her voice shook as she continued, "They used to be little things, but now. Now they come in bits and pieces, all jumbled up, and I can't make heads or tails of any of it. All I know is that whatever the hell they are, it's not good, and it scares the hell out of me."

Well, shit. This can't be good.

That was a month ago. Since she has moved into the bunker with us, they've only gotten worse, or better. I don't know which way to consider it. They are becoming more clear, and more vivid, so we get a better picture of whatever it is. The flip side to that though, is they are more intense, and are starting to really take their toll on her.

Every night she wakes up screaming bloody murder, drenched in sweat, and trying to catch her breath. It breaks my heart to watch her go though this. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of nightmares, but I can't imagine what she must be dealing with. This is a whole other level of torture.

I do the only thing I know to. I pull her into my lap, her face buried in my neck, and just hold her while she cries. I rub soothing circles into the tense muscles of her back, softly shushing until the shaking stops. Most of the time I can eventually get her to tell me about them. I hate asking her. I don't want her to have to relive it over and over, but it's information we need to stop whatever it is that's coming.

These past couple nights have been terrible for her, and me. They've gotten so bad that she doesn't want to fall asleep. She'll do anything to fight it off. "I don't want to, Dean. I can't. I can't do it. Please don't make me go back there." She sobs, clinging to me as I carry her to her room. "The things I see. They're horrible."

"I know sweetheart. I know." I'm try my damnedest to fight off the tears when I hear her say those things, and that's nothing compared to the way my heart shatters when I look at the fear in her eyes.

I lay next to her, stroking her hair,reassuring her that she's not alone. "I'm right here, Y/N . I'm right here. You're safe." And even if for only a little while she drifts off into a peaceful slumber.

I'll say one thing, the first thing I'm gonna do if I ever meet god is tear him a new one for everything he's put her through. 

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