First Kisses

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I had broke up with Eric. I’m free! Lynn thought leaning into Brandon’s arms. He kissed her hair softly and traveled down to her ear. Mm,  Lynn sighed.

“What now?” Kris said

“We do whatever the fuck we want!” Across from Lynn her friend Leslie said throwing her empty beer bottle away from her. The rest of the group cheered. It was a crowd of seven from the park over. Lynn only knew two of them from before, and her ex-boyfriends friend Joe was with them too.

I hope he doesn’t tell Eric that I’ve already moved on. Lynn thought worriedly. It wasn’t like she and  Brandon were a thing; they were just having this moment to themselves for now.

Hours pass and at 4 am in the morning, Leslie, Kris, Kristen, and Lynn’s brother left home. Her brother was returning and she knew that there was a minimum amount of time.

Brandon was smoking a cigarette when Lynn got a call from Eric asking for the reason why they broke up.

“Because! I just wasn’t feeling the same way for a while now. I know we just started this dating thing a few weeks ago but you’re too . . . you’re a little too clingy for me. I’m looking for something way more serious than ‘I miss you, I miss you more’ games. I’m not into that stuff.” Lynn took a breath to relax herself. She was getting really fed up with him, the alcohol running through her bloodstream.

“I just want to stay friends,” She finished, when truly she didn’t feel sorry at all. He should’ve been expecting this. He would always get upset whenever she didn’t text him back after a few minutes. He didn’t like that she hung out with other people; it was signs of a controlling relationship. Good thing I don’t get controlled that easy, Lynn thought.

There was a brief silence. She glanced at Brandon. He nodded to her breathing out smoke. Joe was dancing like an idiot because he was so damn wasted. Lynn tried not to laugh.

“Would you still call?” Eric asked, hope filling his voice.

What’s the point of breaking up then? Lynn thought angrily. “No," She said in a calm fake sincere voice.

“Okay, goodnight.”

“Bye Eric.” She hung up. She knew she was being harsh but she wanted to end it instead of waiting and playing him until her Labour Day weekend. She wasn’t like that.

“Yo, I’m monna grab somb more beer okaeh?”John said dancing.

“Okay. I’m gonna go to bed,” Lynn heard Brandon say throwing his cigarette bud away. She watch him walk to his trailer when Lynn thought, this is it, now or never.

Lynn glanced back at Joe grabbing some more beer cans from his car. Should I assist him? He’s bone drunk. Lynn threw the thought away, he’ll be fine.

Brandon!” Lynn called grabbing his hand and led him into the darkness.


“Do me a favor?” Lynn asked shyly. She leaned towards him, her heartbeat going wild.

“Uh, sure?”

“Kiss me.” Lynn went on her toes and leaned closer to his face, not exactly touching.

He looked shocked for a minute and closed off the space between their lips.

His lips met hers for a quick peck and pulled back gently.

Aw hell no, Lynn thought and kissed him back more forcefully. His hands rested on her hips when her hands were on his cheeks. She pulled down his hood and grasped his dark curly hair.  She felt his tongue try to go into her mouth. She allowed it's access. Lynn felt wild and free and nothing was going to ruin it for her. She pulled away and felt her heels return to the grass.

She breathed heavily, “Thanks.”

“Anytime,” Brandon smiled and pulled his hood back up.

She watched him walk away before she returned to Joe and helped his drunken ass to bed.

That night sitting at the fire with her brother she touched her lips and remember every feeling that went through her when they were liplocked.

"So, did anything happen when I dropped off Kris and them?" Lynn's brother turned to her and she instantly put down to hand.

Lynn shrugged, "No, not really."

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