The Short Story Of Apan (Four Kids, Three Classes)

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"Maria,come and take this plate away"
"Yes, Master Ade"
"And don't forget to bring the napkins" Ade reminded.
    Ade is the only child his parents. His father is the MD of an oil company and is mother is a big time banker in the Central Bank of Nigeria. He is posh and can be very rude sometimes.
"Ade, make it snappy. Your school bus is waiting"
"Yes Mum"
"Hey dude, how you doing?" Peter, Ade's friend asked.
"Fine and you?" Ade questioned.
"Am cool" Peter replied.
"Hey guys" Andrew, their classmate called.
"Hey, how far" Peter responded
"I will see you in class" Ade said in disgust and walked away.
"See you later. Gotta run" Peter informed and rushed after Ade.

In the Class
"Hey, what happened over there?" Peter asked.
"I can't believe u replied to that disgusting Andrew guy" Ade said in disgust. "I mean whenever his twin brother Nathaniel passes by, his armpit stinks of rotten egg cos he doesn't have deodorants"
"What?! Even though their parents aren't very rich doesn't mean it's meant to be like that"
Peter defended.
"Don't u see? They are kids of the poorest parents alive: Mr and Mrs Okocha"
"You're ridiculous. I am also not a very rich kid, so what? Am I also dirty?" Peter said angrily.
"Buut"Ade struggled to answer him. "Your dad is a banker"
"You know what?" Peter began. "You're rude and it's high time to let the rudeness go"
"Am sorry but I can't cope with a rude friend like you and I think it is high time we cut off our friendship" Peter stated angrily.
"Yes, let's cut it off" Ade repeated after him in the same manner.
Andrew and Nathaniel
"Good afternoon Mama" The twins chorused.
"Afternoon, my dear kids" Their mother replied.
"Mother, aren't you going to the market?" Andrew asked.
"Hope everything is alright" Nathaniel chipped in.
"Everything is fine, it's just malaria" Their mother assured.
"It's okay. Just go and take the leftover of yesterday. I warmed it  already"
"Thank you Mama" They chorused.

"Hello dad" Peter greeted.
"If it isn't my precious kid"
"And if isn't my caring dad" Peter replied and they both laughed.
"Where's mum?"
"She went to the village to see her invalid mother"
"Grandma is sick again?"
"Uh huh" His father replied sadly.
"That means.... "
"Your mother's nursing business would suffer"
"And.... "
"Free ice-cream till Sunday" His father replied happily.  His phone rang and he picked up and talked for awhile after which he hung up.
"Who was that?" Peter requested.
"Your mum. She wanted to know if we haven't been drinking
ice cream"
"So what did you tell her?"
"What did you think I'd tell her?"
"Affirmative" His father replied and they burst into laughter.

"Hi Mum" Ade greeted.
"Hey son, you looked crossed"
"Never mind. Don't wanna talk about it" He said as he walked up to his room and his mum followed.
"What's it you don't wanna talk about? Who knows? I may be of help" She offered.
"Alright,  me and Peter had a fight"
"You did? She exclaimed. "About what?"
"About his always wanting to be friends with the poor and he said that I am rude"
"My dear" she hugged him. "Perhaps he's right"
"He is?" Ade asked in disappointment. "Even you think that I am rude"
"No dear" His mother corrected. "I am just saying that you should show others some respect no matter which household they come from"
"I can't because I can't stand how they look. They stink"
"You shouldn't be like this. Being rich doesn't mean that you can't be poor"
"What do you mean?"
"I was once a poor young lady in the village of Alayeluwa but my mother was a very hardworking trader. I was not given the opportunity to read and write until when my mother betrothed me to your father who took me to  the city where I was able to read and write. That's why I am still in school till now"
"So you were once poor too?"
"Yes" The mother answered her surprised son.
"I am sorry for treating the poor like that"

A Glimpse of the Next Part of The Beginning.  The Story of Apan.
"Hey Peter,how're you doing?" Andrew called.
"Am fine and you?"
"Same here" Andrew replied.  Nathaniel dragged Andrew so they can get home early.
"Why are you dragging him?" Peter asked.
"And what's your concern?" Nathaniel asked in the mood to cause a fight.
"Nathaniel stop this madness and let's go" Andrew pleaded. Ade thought his friend was being bullied so he rushed to the scene.
"What are you guys doing? Bullying him so you can get the money to eat for a week" Ade insulted.
"Look Ade,  we may not be as rich as you but we would not allow you to step on our dignity like that" Nathaniel replied angrily.
"Nathaniel, let's go" Andrew pleaded.
"No Andrew,  I need to instill discipline into this guy's skull" Nathaniel argued.
"You're nothing but a heap of rubbish" Ade insulted. Nathaniel got angry and punched him in the face and they started fighting.

Don't miss the Part 2. Coming on the 23rd of December, 2018
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