Chapter #1 The Beginning

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***Mikayla P.O.V***

"Max, wake up" I shake him he groan and turned over
"MAXWELL XAVIER MURPHY WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I exclaim at him "What!?" He threw himself up and looking at half naked me "Get dress it time some paper work your father the 'great evil' sent you." I said with sarcasms in my voice.

He look around the room and notice he's naked, bed was broken, and the wall had a crack "what happen last night?" He looked confuse " might not wanna know."  As I glances at a liquor bottle, he put his hand behind his head and laid down slowly "so this is unfortunate." He said doing a little smirk.

I glance at Max like he was gonna say something
"Was there at least protection involves?" He ask, I replied with "No, when I was cleaning the room it looked like we use none." We said nothing but we're looking at each other shock at the realization on what happen.
"We are definitely fuck..." Max says causing me to giggle and Max to chuckle.
"So like...Are you gonna take birth control or something." Max ask I laughed "No, Silly we're dead we don't need it....I hope." I said scratching my arm "Did I at least made it worth your time?" He ask I open the eyes wild "! Very" I said blushing and giggling, he smirk and smile and bit.

"Well let get to that work, shall we?" Max said getting and walking to me still naked, I blush quickly grabbing a blanket and cover his parts "Well, why you did that? It's nothing you didn't seen before." Max said doing his slick smirk again

***Time Skip to the training room***

"Hey Dani!" I exclaim from across the room running toward her, when I reach her I started hugging her tightly. Dani is like my Bestfriend she been with me through thin and thick.
After our hug I punch her in the shoulder hard "Thank for letting me get drunk and SLEEP with PRINCE MAX!" I silently exclaim. After I said that she answer "First off OWWW, and second." She look behind her "That Max? The Max!" She yelled so loudly that Max and his group of friend came over "Well isn't this a shocker?" He said coming up behind me kissing the back of my head. "Fella this is the girl of the night I was talking about." He told his friend "Well at least I know I'm a girl of the night." I said him and his boy started chuckle.

"Anyway me and Dani was just leaving, Jace I'm surprise your not at your sister baby shower, that where me and Dani going now." I said making Jace realize "OH SHIT, I FORGOT!" He said running out of there quickly, me and Dani giggle while Max ran up to me grabbing my hand "Love, where going you gotta get ready for your coronation too...being the top guard." He said moving the outta my face "Well I can take care of myself thank very my King." I said sarcastically "If you keep being sarcastic with me I might have punish you like I did last night." He said making me extremely blush "you would never." I said slapping his hand away from me, as I walk away I heard max chuckling behind me.

***At Janie Baby Shower***

"Well Janie it time for GIIFFTT" I heard Janie servant for a day Jace said "Jace are you tryna to get out of being a servant for me on my special?" Janie ask Jace ... him shaking in his boots ", never, why would I ever think of doing that sister." He said giving her a gift she open it quickly and saw a beautiful, magical dream catcher but instead of catching dream it take nightmare from the baby so it won't have any... I know I'm a great person ...

***At my practice guard coronation***

"OW!" I exclaim as the servant tighten the bow on my corset "I'm sorry Royal Guard Mikayla but King Lucifer want everything perfect and if he doesn't have it he have our head..." I never agreed to Lucifer rules but sadly I have for the honor of my father. "I understand Maiden Tiana." As I said that max walk in with his shirt unbuttoned "Now maiden Tiana do you mind leaving so me and Guard Mikayla May speak." He said making her instantly leave "Now guard Mikayla would you do a favor and button your king shirt?" He ask doing a sly smirk "Don't you have maiden's for that?" I ask "Well love, I am going to be your king and you do have to obey me." He said grabbing my chin making look at him "Um..I think not ... you still a prince and last time I check you need me to save you." I slap his hand away I said buttoning his shirt.
I turn around and he grab my bow on my corset "I am your commander and you will listen to me not by choose, but by will." He said in my ear while he was doing that my big sister May walk in "Now prince Max your father would rather not like you damaging your good before the wedding..." we both look at May "WEDDING!" We say at the same time "May you confuse. This is not a wedding it out coronation." Max said doing that perfect smile "Well that not what Lucifer said at the meeting he said not to te—" She stop "Not to tell who sister?" I said walking toward her "...You guy..." We was shock, Max started to run to his father work space with me speed walking in heels.

Max turned around and see me speed walking, he quickly run back pick me up and put me on his back "Whoa this dress is heavy you should really change it." He said.
Wow rude.

We finally arrive to Lucifer lair "FATHER YOU DID TELL US THAT THIS "coronation" IS ACTUALLY A WEDDING." He yelled "Well son I thought easy on you to pick a girl." Lucifer said smiling "Well you highness I can assure you that I'm not the girl." I said "Well sweet Mikayla." Lucifer said grabbing my chin." "Your going now." He said throwing my face down making me fall, Max grab Lucifer by the collar "That no way to treat a women father." Max said with angry in his "Well you would know if you could ever protect your mother." Lucifer said making vein in his eyes and his eye blacken "Why you Littl—" He couldn't say anything when Lucifer punch him making him fly to the wall. I pick myself up and ran to Max putting his head on lap. "Get away from him girl he need to TOUGHT a lesson!" Lucifer yelled, I put my hand on Max heart and it was barely beating so I quickly waved my hand making us disappear and leaving nothing but smoke and there we appear in front of May "WHAT HAPPEN!?" May ask "Lucifer almost killed him." I said crying "Mikayla why are you crying." May ask "I really don't know."

I wipes my tears and look at it "Weird."

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