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I don't want to watch
As pain falls down your cheeks
And drips off your chin.
It's not fair my darling,
To give so freely and only get pain.

It'll get better darling,
Not all people are like this.
She can't help but be cruel
It's okay if you loved her
It'll get better my darling.

I don't want to watch
As you fall to the floor
In confusion and complete, utter pain.

Don't search for what you want
You'll never find it in her
It's a waste of your time
She'll always shut you out.
But when your heart is broken,
Which piece will you follow

For the next one
Don't you give so freely
Protect you heart and soul.
Don't let her pull you back
Right when your getting over it
She can't play the games she wants.

If I could go and tell you
I'd say be kind because kind people know pain
I'd say all people aren't this cruel
I'd say you'll get better, she can't take what she wants
I'd say you'll be better than before
I'd say 'don't go back'

If only I could tell you want I want

If only I could tell you, everything will work out.

I've Come To Burn Your Kingdom DownWhere stories live. Discover now