The Rain

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(a/n : hey there guys and gals this is my first ever fanfic, please leave constructive criticism anyways lets get to it)

It was a rainy day in the city of Magnolia, the skies was gloomy and dark, it was raining cats and dogs and it may have something to do with a certain blue haired water mage's current emotions

Natsu P.O.V

I looked down beside me to see how my blue buddy is doing "Hey, happy are you okay?" he nodded as his stomach growled, he said "I'm really hungry Natsu, I could go for some fish" I smiled "Well, why don't we head back to the guild and-" just before I finished my sentence my stomach growled loudly "I'm damn hungry too, lets go happy!" I said as I rush to the guild hall, but I suddenly stopped seeing a certain blue haired mage sitting on top of a crate and looked like she was crying, I thought to myself 'maybe she's the cause of this heavy rain' I stopped and walked up to her "Hey, Juvia are you alright?"

Juvia P.O.V

I was crying outside, causing heavy rain to fall on Magnolia. I was crying because I found out that Gray already has someone, (a/n: lets put it like this NaVia and GrayLu, simple right? anyways back to the story) He was actually dating Lucy, I was heartbroken to see them together, I was conflicted with my emotions, should I be happy for my friend Lucy or should I be sad that the love of my life already has someone, this lead me to go out the guild hall and sat down crying somewhere, but when I was crying I heard a voice say "hey, juvia are you alright?" I looked up to see the pink haired dragon slayer, he was concerned about me, I could see it in his face and I answered "Juvia is fine" through my sniffles he knelt down to get a closer look at my face and smiled warmly.

Natsu P.O.V

I smiled warmly at Juvia, trying to cheer her up and there I saw her beautiful face, I couldn't help to think 'why doesn't Gray like her?, she's obviously gorgeous and beautiful except for the stalker part of her' I unconsciously cupped her cheeks with both my hands and wiped her tears away with both my thumbs "It'll be alright, whatever it is" I smiled at her again "don't cry, it fades your beauty" I grinned widely at her my hands at her shoulders now.

Juvia P.O.V

when he cupped my cheeks I couldn't help to think 'his hands are warm and soft' and then he wiped my tears away with his thumb and smiled, I blushed slightly but I think he didn't notice it since it was just a faint blush and that's when he said something surprising, he said "Don't cry, it fades your beauty" I couldn't believe what I heard from Natsu, his words wasn't just to comfort me but it was his feelings, he was pouring out what he thinks of me, I instantly blushed harder

Natsu P.O.V

I was surprised that Juvia's face suddenly turned red so I pressed a hand on her forehead "are you feeling okay Juvia? you seem to have a fever maybe its because of this rain" I looked at her with concern and she sat there looking at me while Smiling, I looked at how beautiful she was when she's smiling "See? you look absolutely beautiful when you smile, Juvia" I grinned as the rain was slowly clearing up behind me

Juvia P.O.V

"thank you. Natsu-san, Juvia is feeling better now" I smiled back "Juvia was just a bit upset that Gray-sama..was already dating someone... that's all" I don't know why I'm telling natsu this, but I just need to get it off my chest. "Juvia feels a lot better, maybe it's because Natsu-san is here" I smiled looking at the sky my legs swinging as the back heels of my feet made *tac* and *clac* sound on the crate I was sitting on "Juvia never expected that she will be cheered up by Natsu-san today" I continued my leg swinging

Natsu P.O.V

I smiled at her when she opened up and told me what was bothering her, I said "There's always someone out there waiting for you" I smiled and sat next to her "you know what? looking at you and comforting you when you're like this made me realize something..I love you Juvia...I don't mind if you don't feel the same way as I do but I just needed to get that off my chest" I smiled and looked at her

Juvia P.O.V

'I love you Juvia' those words he say echoed through my head, and I began to realize that he was always there to help me he always comforted me (a/n: let's just say that Natsu and Juvia are reaaaaly close here) I looked at him only to see his smile, I took a deep breath and said "Natsu-san..Juvia loves you too" I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back, I knew this was going to be an adventure for the both of us

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