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Barley keeping awake after last nights photo shoot, Adrien Agreste sits at his desk, aimlessly tapping his pencil. his bestfriend Nino at his side, Nino's girlfriend, Alya, and Marinette behind. Ms. Mendeleev, teaching away in front of him. A tap on his shoulder from Nino.

"Hey man, you alright?"

Adrien looks at him, managing a smile.

"Yeah man, just had a rough 7 hour shoot last night."

Nino nods and turns back to the front. Adrien's

mind keeps wondering back to the patrol the previous night. He can't wait to see ladybug again today.

She kept him going.

All he wanted was to see who she was under the mask, although it was strictly implied to keep their identities a secret. so Adrien will have to deal with loving ladybug, not who's underneath.

after school, he Exits the building as usual, just to see his ride isn't here on time.

'that's unusual.'

"Hey Adrien!"

He turns around to see a smiling Alya, A shy Marinette beside, a slight blush on her face.

He always thought Marinette was afraid of him. He's always wanted to be her friend, but the way she Stutters with an uncomfortable tone to her voice, it seems she's not very fond of him.

"Oh, hey Alya"

"Hey Marinette."

He said that reluctantly, as Marinettes face turns a darker shade of red.

She's so cute when she's like this.

Adrien slaps himself at the thought. She's just a friend, even if that.

"H-h-hey Adri-I-en"

Marinette stands in an awkward pose before him, but he doesn't mind. he enjoys her company. who wouldn't?

stop adrien.

He turns his attention to Alya, who's nudging a red-face Marinette. Noticing I'm looking her direction, Alya fixes herself and does her usual sass stance. a hand on her hip, and a slight grin on her face, as she pushes up her glasses.

Alya nods toward Marinette.

"How about we all go to the movies tonight, you know, you, me , Nino, and Marinette?"

Adrien thought about it. It would be nice to hang out with all of them.

"Yeah, sure. Is that okay, Mari?"

Marinettes Pov.

Marinette blushed at the use of her nickname. She agrees, with a slight stammer, and stares at the blonde model.

She suddenly realizes, she's going to the movies with Adrien Agreste.

smiling to herself, Marinette makes a mental note to get home in time for her to Patrol with chat tonight. she always looked forward to hanging with her partner, even if he is kinda in love with her. she loved being ladybug, she talked to people with more confidence, and also felt so great to be saving Paris day-by-day.

"Hey Mari?"

The angelic voice ran through her ears, she noticed Alya was gone, and it was just her and Adrien standing on the concrete.


Adrien bit his lip

'God damn..'

and stared at her with a pitiful look in his eyes.

"Why are you so awkward around Me? I mean I really wanna be your friend and if you don't you can just tell me."

Mari blushed. Hard.

She couldn't just tell him the blunt truth. That'd be kind of weird. so she just turned to him and mustered a smile.

"Oh, ha.. sorry. i guess it's just ho-o-w I am.. I'd love to be your friend, actually I thought we were already."

Adriens Pov.

My eyes gleamed with happiness. She wanted to be my friend-nevertheless we already were. I had a cheesy smile on my face, as I realized how close I was standing to Mari. I backed up and little, and we laughed a little bit together. All I could think of was her smile.

I lost my trance as a car horn beeped.

Mari looked in the direction in which the car was.

"looks like your ride is here."


I stared at her for a little longer and sheepishly grinned, rubbing my neck with my hand.

I made my way down the steps as I turned to Marinette.

"Hey Mari, I'm really looking forward to seeing you tonight."

just as he turned away from Mari, he saw a dark blush creep up on her face.

He couldn't blame her,

his face was just as red.

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