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It's really weird to think that...

That despite who I am...

I still feel very pressed down.

It feels like- It seriously feels like...

As if something, somehow...

I always feel eyes on me.

I don't know how to explain it...

It's like something tries to...

Tries to...

Suffocate me?

I'm not sure...


Yeah, that.

As if I'm being watched.

As if it's cutting my supply of...


Metaphorical air.

I get scared way too easily I guess.

I kind of...


I feel a bit uncomfortable sharing all this with you, but...

It- It has to be done.

I feel like dying, but it's actually pretty...

Unrealistic, considering that...

I'm a clingy type.

I hold on to everything I can and...

It's bad.

It's one of the things that are holding me down and...

Probably the only one I theoretically know how to deal with.

But not in real life.

I'm scared to let go...

That brings us to the first point I mentioned...

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