Chapter 1

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It was still night when Lovino started to slowly open his eyes . It took a while for them to adjust to the darkness of his roo- but wait a minute! This wasn't his room at all! Not only was this not his room, there was another person in this room with him. With him in bed, to be more precise. This stranger was sound asleep and had his arm around Lovino in a tight embrace. As soon as Lovino noticed the stranger, he removed his head from the man's bare chest and sat up. He had no idea what had happened the night before that had landed him in this situation.

The last thing he remembered is that he got dragged into a bar by his brother Feliciano and his boyfriend Ludwig. Ah yes, his little brother Feliciano had forced him to go to a bar, a fucking gay bar! According to Feliciano Lovino was always alone being angry at other people. This was true of course, but it's not like he had a choice in the matter. Since they were both young everyone seemed to like little Feliciano way more than him. Feli was the most cheerful after all, everyone was charmed by his cute smile. No wonder Lovino felt lonely and unloved.  Feliciano forced Lovino to join him so he could find a friend to talk to, or maybe even a boyfriend. Lovino, however, felt incredibly awkward at the bar and just wanted to go home. Feliciano and Ludwig were busy dancing with each other so Lovino just sat at the bar and had a few drinks. He guessed that it wasn't just a few drinks, though. He would never do something like this if he were sober!

He looked at the stranger who was still sleeping peacefully next to him. His skin was lightly tanned, sort of olive, and his curly brown hair was spread over the pillow on which his head was resting. Said pillow had quite an uncommon pattern. On the pillow, as well as the sheets, was a pattern which consisted of tomatoes. 'What kind of sick bastard has tomato sheets in his bedroom?' Lovino thought, a look of confusion appearing on his face. He felt ashamed of what he had done with this weird- still unknown- tomato-loving guy. Sure, he didn't look bad, he had to give the other man credit for that, but having one night stands was so not Lovino's thing. It was astonishingly stupid of him to lose control over himself like this. Being in this awkward situation was his punishment. He reached for his phone on the bedside table and unlocked it to look at the time. When he read that it was 6:28 AM he jumped up in surprise. Today was Monday and he had to be at his job at 8:30. His new job. He jumped up from the bed and began searching for his clothes.

His underwear was almost over his hip when he heard a loud noise. It was most definitely the sound of an alarm clock. The strange tomato man moaned in frustration at the sound of the alarm clock and opened his eyes. Beautiful green ones, like emeralds, Lovino thought. He sat up in the bed and ruffled his messy hair. ''Buenos días, preciosa''. Fuck. He's Spanish. One of those creepy, sweet-talking bastards who lure weak and insecure people in with their smooth words. ''D-Don't call me that, bastardo!'' Lovino said, a bit flustered by the Spaniard. ''I don't how I ended up here, but you probably drugged me, didn't you? And what's with all the tomato's, huh? I-I'm out of here!'' Lovino made his way out of the house which turned out to be pretty fucking huge. It was only after he shut the front door that he realized he was half naked.

Antonio sighed in disappointment. Unlike Lovino, he hadn't been drunk at all and remembered last night perfectly. This was the first time that he actually felt something during sex. Sure, he had some hook ups before, even with his friends, but this was different. The man who he didn't even know the name of, had mesmerized him. It felt like love at first sight, even though that sounded absolutely ridiculous to him. Unfortunately the beautiful but angry man didn't tell him his name or phone number. They would probably never see each other again. Oh well, he didn't have time to agonize about this, he had work to do. 



Well, that was the first chapter for this new fic. This is the first fic that I'm trying to be serious about and aim to complete. I want it to be a loooong one, but since I'm not an experienced writer, I'm not sure if I wil succeed. English is not my first language and I don't speak Spanish at all, so correct me if there are any spelling/grammatical errors in the text. Please leave some feedback in the comments, that would be a great help!

Amor de TomateWhere stories live. Discover now