sTory tIme with kEv
1) I WAs gIVen bIrth soMewhere by SOmeone in 2010. IN london, EnGalnd
2) AbOUT 3 oR 4 mOnThs walking the rainy and dark stReets of London. I cAme across a SuPermarket cAllEd tesCo
3) OnE stranGe dAy I was sitTing at tHe carrot section and SuDdeNly 5 stranGers whO we're Very Very attractive wALked in.
4) WhIlE i was crunChing on my cARroTs, I wouldn't HelP to find thAt thE loud noisy and stripy boy wAs lOokIng at mY WaY
5) hE Looked At me stRangEly and slowly walked oVer to me. He lOoKed at me and SaW the cArroT in mY hanD and Said "you like carrots" I Responds "YES Carrots foRever!!"
6) hE Looked At me and SmIled and started to bOunce UP and DOwn "OMG omg you eat carrots, I eat carrots, we toGTher eat carrots. I thInk I just found My nEw bestfriend" he paused. "Which whO Is A PIgeon"
7) "mY nAMes KEVin" i told him. "wEll KEVIn tHe pIgEon WhO is mY new Bestie I am CAllEd louis the TOmmO tomlinSon"
8) I sMiled at him and responded "bEstIe?, I NeVer had One of THem bEfore" "DoNt be sad kEv we will be best friends FoRever, wEll until I kNock HArrY our of the picture" I was confused. "whOs harry?" HE Looked happy. "HAryy is my current best friend But Now Is replaced bY you"
9) " Oh gOodY lets go and tEll him that" louIs took me in his hairs and WeNt towards the other 4 strangers. Who instantly saw lOuis carrying me. They LoOked frightened, why? I'm so CaRing (well SomEtimes) i doNt KnOw anYmore.
10) when We appRoached these sexy Motherpeasants (I AM NOT RUDE) they lOoked at louis and One Of then said "ummm loUis why are you carrying a pigeon in tesco?" Louis looked at him and said "wEll Payno thIs pIgEon here is CAllEd keVin whO is Now my bestfriend and He Is comIng with us !" tHis curly haired feLlow butted in and shouted "Bestfriend, Loubear I'm yOur ONLY BESTFRIEND!"
11) "I'm SOrry hARrYpOo bUt mY heart belongs to Kevin" Louis said. "he's A PIGeon, lOuis a A ducking pigeon and it can't EvEn tAlK!" HARry Said. " I CaN tALK!" I toLd the other bOys.
12) ThEy Looked scared, afraid while on the other hand louis was smiling like an idiot. to sHUt the silencer i ShOuted "LETS gO PeAsants and loubesr can yOu shOw these pEople thAt it is rude to stare" louis nodded and told them.
13) we started to walk out and I looked behind and Saw payno muttering something "We aRe fOllOwing a pIgEon, a pIgeon"