Yandere!Nagito x Fem!Reader

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Nagito was bat shit insane. And this was coming you. He was going to murder someone in the name of his "so special" hope. Hope? Ha! Give me a break! Hope? Hope is some bullshit make-believe word to make people feel special. And when you'd voiced this opinion to Nagito you'd gotten...Well...it hadn't gone well.

"Hope is some bullshit make-believe word to make people feel special."

Nagito looked like you had just slapped him, "W-what...? Why...? What on earth do you mean (Y/n)?"

"I mean exactly what I said," you were leaning onto your stand during the first class trial,taunting the white haired male.

"Hope is an absolute good. After all, the only good thing about me is how lucky I am."

"Then I guess the only good thing about you is complete and utter bullshit."

"C-can we t-try and solve the actual m-murder guys...?" Hajime asked nervously, you gave up and leant back, deciding to leave Nagito with that final insult.

"No fucking way! I don't care if he dies because I don't feed him!"

"(Y/n), ple-"

"N to the fucking O Souda."

You walked out of Hotel Mirai  and walked back to your cabin.

Your calm and "in control" demeanor was starting to waver after your best friend, Mahiru, had been murdered. Plus, Nagito was starting to creep you out. He'd keep mentioning that "your hope will shine the brightest (Y/n)!" Or something similar. It was horrid. You'd also found him stalking you a few times. More that a few actually.

This was one of such times.

"Nagito, what are you-"

"Oh, (Y/n)! What a coincidence! I'm so glad I-"


"Oh come on. Creep might be a bit har-"

"Then leave. Me. ALONE!" You turned away from the white haired maniac before he grabbed your wrist.

"I want to show you what absolute Hope looks like. But to show you that, I need to show you absolute despair."

His eyes were doing their thing again as you tried to pull away from him, he wasn't letting go though.

"Ha ha ha ha ...shall we start then?" He shoved something into my neck before I blacked out.

Nagito had left his door open after he got the despair disease, letting the others find you before he could do anything to you. Thank god. Thank monokuma for once. Maybe the psychopathic, obsessive creep has even gone too far for the despair obsessed bear.

"Oh, (Y/n)! There you are!"

You turned to see the psychopath. "Your Psychopath" apparently. God how you hated him.

"Stay away from me or I swear to God I will kick you," You spat.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay away. I just wanted to see how bright your hope when I was-"

"I don't care about your stupid "Hope" you psychopath! I've told you my opinions on it, so go bother someone else!"

"But (Y/n), I-"

"I said
I  D O N ' T  C A R E
*disappears for over a month*

Yandere! Danganronpa x Reader 2Where stories live. Discover now