17 || I'm Crazy For You

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Y/n laughed at what Ed had said to her. "What? Are you saying he traveled the whole universe to find me?" She came up to him.

"No, child. Not you specifically. Not a young teenage girl from her hometown." And then Cogman interrupts again. This time with a little bit of opera, singing at the top of his gears. "Stop it!" Ed called out.

The butler stops and glances at his master. "What?"

Edmond looks up at Cogman om the top floor railing. "You know, if you don't stop it, I'll send you back to Cybertron in a little tiny box."

"Scary." Said Cogman.

Ed continues to speak with his guest. "The qualities of a knight... Viviane, please?" He cued her in to speak.

Viv spoke to Y/n. "Qualities of a knight, purity of heart, valor, honor, virtue, integrity."

Y/n chuckled at those words Viv had used. If Y/n had to think about it, out of all those words, maybe 'honor' fit her, but the others made her question herself. It sounds so absurd of her to be a knight. "Uh... I... What? Chosen for this? A knight?"

"You were chosen for this, Y/n. I know you got it in you." Ed walks up to her and knows she has great courage. She can do this without any trouble... he hopes.

Viviane and Cade came up to a map-like drawing on the Round Table. It is something Ed has been working on for a while. His entire life, actually. The glyphs that were engraved on the table are Cybertronian language. "A mantra whispered through the cosmos." Ed says in English and then Cybertronian. "Seglass ni Tonday."

Y/n has heard these exact words before. It was so recent, too. She turns to Edmond. "Wait, I've heard that before. A knight on a ship. What does it mean?" She asked him.

The old man replied. "With your dying breath, protect the staff." He translates into English.

"Okay, this is ridiculous," Viviane said as she was getting ready to leave the room. Cogman stops her and takes her hand to slam it on the Round Table. Without expecting anything, everyone watches the swords rise for a short second and then fall back in their spots. Viv gasped and looked at Ed in shock.

"They had their name for it. And we had ours." He said, referring to the Staff. "The staff of Merlin. Bequeathed to him by an alien race. Fused with his DNA. So that only he would have the key to unlock its alien power. Or as they knew it in those days, magic. The staff was buried with Merlin's body." Ed sits back in a chair. "A thousand years we've kept it hidden. If it ever fell into the wrong hands, it would mean the imminent destruction of everything we know and love."

Y/n sat down in a chair as well to engage with the story more. If she is somehow involved with this Staff, the knight label, the talisman, and the other Transformers, she'll have to understand whatever she can. It's like sitting in science class or history class again! Only this time it meant this determined the future of the Earth.

Edmond continues on. "The twelve Guardian Knights combined into a mighty dragon to protect the Staff. Now, it is in great danger."

Y/n then remembers about the Decepticon leader. "Megatron." She said. "He was after this." Y/n pointed to the talisman clinging to her arm.

"So the battle is upon us." Ed nodded. "It is why they are here, why they keep coming to Earth. And we must claim the Staff before it is too late."

"Wait, we what?" Viv snapped.

"Only a direct descendant of Merlin himself can wield this instrument of absolute power. And you, Miss Viviane, are Merlin's last descendant here on Earth, and as such, you and Y/n are our last hope."

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