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Blix looked down at the worn pass, then back up at the brick building. It looked just like every other place in this town. Blix heard no music coming from inside, and the windows were completely black. Was this really the place Taz told him about?

He skipped every other step as he went up, and took a deep breath before knocking. The door immediately opened and a huge hand snatched Blix in. Attached to the hand was an enormous sasquatch of a man, with arms the size of a watermelon, and covered in thick brown hair all over his body. With the other hand, he took the pass from Blix and snorted, "This is so old. What'd you do, steal this from your folks, kid?" The man gives Blix a once-over, "Whatever, you're in." He hands the pass back, and grabs Blix's cheeks, "Open."

Blix stuck out his tongue, just like Taz told him to in the back of his mind. The man smirks and places a bright blue gummy on his tongue, and it dissolves almost instantly. "Good boy," the huge man's voice echoes away. Just like Taz said, it hit him quick. Blix looked up at the man and his eyes changed from the deep brown that matched his hair to green, then blue. His mouth opened so very slowly, and a whole new voice came. A woman's, sweet but quick echoed, "Right this way, hon."

Blix looked to his right, where a short, pretty blonde lady stood. Her eyes matched what the man's turned into. The longer Blix looked at them, they seemed to glow, reflecting on her dress, a glittering silver nurse's uniform.

Blix gulped, following the woman in the short silver dress. She led him through the door she came in. It was a whole other world he was walking through. The magenta glow of the entire hall seemed to pulse along with muffled music, brighter, darker, brighter. The glittering walls danced with designs reflected by the woman's eyes and the magenta light. He looked to the mirrored floor, immediately snapping his head up. That must've been an attraction to many of the male guests.

"So what do you want to remember from this place?"

"Give me that," Blix snatched the wine bottle from Five, "You're like twelve." He tossed his head back as he took a big gulp, a little line of red dropped down his chin. Five rolled her eyes and simply lit a cigarette, "And you're like 80, grandpa."

"Y'all are so dumb," Loran sighed, "Always bring your own," he pulls out his signature flask from his inner coat pocket. Blix hummed pseudo-sweetly, "You didn't have to come, you know."

"And miss y'all getting arrested? Not a chance."

"We won't get arrested, this place doesn't have a closing time. It's public property. The most'll happen is we'll get yelled at by someone who works here," Blix points out, "And besides, the only person that'll actually get in trouble is me. I'm like y'alls Dad."

"Twink daddy supreme, add that to the resume," Quill snickers from behind. Blix smiles and pushes the gate a bit farther open. Quill hurries in, having to carry the most stuff. Blix offered multiple times to help carry the bags, but Quill was always really stubborn.

"Speaking of Daddies, Taz should be here soon," Blix hums, almost to himself, "Hopefully soon.."

"Imagine if we actually contact someone," Five starts, "We could talk to fucking Satan, himself!"

"We gotta think about what we're gonna say to them, though. Spirits can get super butthurt," Blix pauses, "I once asked one if they brought a casserole, and it slid the thing to goodbye so fast.

"The ones here are probably well at rest, so not much activity happens in cemeteries. However, it is halloween, so who knows who the Hell we'll get."

The quartet walk in silence until they reach a large tree, a site Blix and Quill had already decided on that afternoon. Five immediately found a branch to swing from, rather than sitting down. Loran leaned against the trunk, watching the other two unload the bags, "What if we don't get anything? I mean, once you're dead, wouldn't you want to stay dead?"

"I know I'd like to be dead," Quill snorts, "But some are pretty chatty, it's probably boring being dead, to some."

Blix blinked and blinked until his vision was no longer blurry. He was being led up some stairs by some girl he forgot the name of. What is he even doing? How did he get here? Where is Taz, where's Five, Loran, and Quill?

Why was everything pink? There's so many lights, so many colors. He couldn't get this fruity flavor out of his mouth, and couldn't stop imagining that it was what the color blue tasted like.

"Hon, you're fucked up," Blix whipped his head around. He could've sworn Taz was just there. His sweet voice, his smell, how it always had a slight hint of weed that just never went away. Blix blinked, everything felt so slow. He felt he was standing in that stairwell for hours, looking at the corner.

"You comin'?"

He turned back to the pretty redhead. Where did she come from, again? It didnt matter. She had braids, just like Five used to wear when they were kids. But she wasn't anything like Five, this girl almost looked as if she jumped out of a cartoon. Her white collared shirt's sleeves puffed just perfectly, her black skirt brushed just above her knee. Is this some fetish shit? Or was she an actual student, who also just came here?

She rolled her eyes, grabbing his wrist and dragged him up the stairs and through another door. How big is this place?

"Finally, you made it!" An unfamiliar girl's voice almost scolds. The girl with braids huffs, "Sorry, I ran into someone I thought you'd find useful for once, instead of you wasting time on me."

The new girl sat in a lowered lounging area, guarded by a big cannopy of balloons, streamers, and fairy lights. Dozens of throw pillows surrounded the floor, which gittered a deep purple that completely changed the feel of the room.

"What are we doing here, again?" Blix managed to mumble, catching the attention of the two girls he still didn't know.

Ahoy m80s, first story on this new account of mine!! What do y'all think?? Please let me know👌🏻

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