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"Hey chim! How you goin? All is good?"

"Hello Y/N! yes, it is really relaxing. You should bring your husband here sometime to relax."

"Y-yeah... I should"

"Hey, are you okey? You sound sad."

"What is with that question? I'm fine. Don't worry. Jungkook is coming, I got to go now. I'll call you later. Bye jimin!"

"Ooo...keyy... Bye Y/N"

I hung up as I hear the door knob being pulled. "Hey! You back" he ignored me.... As always

It's been 3 months since I married but he never talk good to you

He will insert a curse in every single word he say. He always give disgusted and annoyed look.

When ask a question he only respond "yes" "no" "okey".... he totally changed after we married. He make I feel like I'm not exist in his world

I took his suit and place it behind the door. 'Maybe he is tired' you thought. He leaned his back on the couch and close his eyes.

"Who is the guy you talk to?" You froze "ummmm... Jimin" he stand up and suddenly slap on my face make me turn another side. My eyes blury as tears filled.

"How dare you talk with another man without my permission"

you start facing him again and another slap burning your face with a punch at your stomach make you fall to the floor.

He take his key car and walk toward the door

Slamming it with a loud bang.

I sit there, processing what's going on. Crying nonstop

Why he do that? From all my life no one ever slap me

No ... It's okey Y/N maybe he had a bad day.... but.. everyday is a bad day?

I still sobbing on the floor

Hopping he will come back and say sorry for what he did

But then your eyelid feel heavy and start to close.

I wake up and rubbed my eyes realise I'm  on the floor

I hope last night was just a dream

I rush to the bathroom, cleaning my body and wear a cloth

I go out to a cafe called BANGTAN CAFE.

"Hello miss. Your order?"

"I want cappuccino"


You smiled weakly

         "Y/N! Is there something wrong?"

"No. I'm fine. Btw Jin, if you want to relax, where would you go?"

"BANGTAN COFFEE OF COURSE! I like the coffee smell it calming"

"Owh... That's the reason why you build a café"

"I want a girl smell like coffee so that if I'm angry I will smell him to make me calm down"

You almost choked at Jin's word.

"Wow! That's rare"

I laugh along with him

Jin never disappointed me with his humble joke.

At least it make me feel better...

You open the door knob when suddenly someone grab your hair and drag you in

"Jungkook! It's hurt let go of me!" He threw you at the floor make your face facing the floor.

He lock you and take his belt and spank you at the back.

You feel a burn at your back. "Jungkook! please stop!" You scream between your tears but he don't listen to you and keep going.

You pray to god hopping he'll stop but then you feel dizzy and passed out.

You woke up with a burn at your back. You look around and realized he is not here Again...

I don't bother to search him. I should recover as I know many bruises left at my back.

I ran to take a bath. "Auchh!" I cry and let out silent scream. I can't think positive right now. Why does he do that to me? Did he just use me? What he want from me?

No... He don't want to do that.. I see his face... But why?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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