chapter 1 ☁️

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'hurry up!!' youngjae shouts between fits of laughter, one hand on the wheel, the other arm resting on the rolled down window. he makes another sharp turn with the rundown car, eyes meeting bambams in the rearview mirror.

bambam slips onto the wet road, for what may be the 100th time, as he sprints to get to the travelling vehicle. another bullet just skids past his ear, and he raises his elbows in defence.

'what the fuck do you think i'm doing?' bambam cries back. he finally gets in line with the car as youngjae begins to slow down to let him in.

'keep going, keep going!' bambam yells exasperatedly, his eyes fixated on the small silver car behind them. youngjae turns into a dim street, and in a matter of a few seconds, they're all alone on the road again.


'oh my god youngjae,' bambam massages his eyes with his hands, shoulders hunched as youngjae pulls over.

'listen, i mean it could've been worse,' the older replies, fingers raking through his brown hair. he's reluctant to make eye contact with bambam, but does so anyways, which results in both of them cracking up in laughter.

'i hate you so much,' bambam groans, turning to hit his best friends shoulder, immediately regretting it as youngjae decides to retaliate by smacking a big fat kiss on his cheek.

'ugh get OFF me,' bambam turns to the window, 'so, how we spending the rest of the night?'

'lets head back home, i'll order takeout or something,' mumbles youngjae. bambam nods his head, watching the streetlights get brighter as they head further back into downtown.


their speaker hums with soft r&b as youngjae opens the second plastic container of thai noodles, whereas bambam is desperate to get coco, youngjae's angel of a dog, off the table, before king, his own adorable pet kitten comes strolling in.

youngjae turns around to the large balcony across the living room. he looks at bam, 'you hear that?'

'camera shutters,' frowns bambam, a forkful of steaming vegetables in his mouth. coco barks. the two boys had found a nice apartment for a relatively good price in downtown, on the 4th floor, even though everyones hesitant to guess where they had found the money to do so.

bambam's chair scrapes the wooden tiling and he goes over to look at the commotion. he peers over the glass just as youngjae joins him.

'huh,' is his only response.

a group of paparazzi surround what appeared to be a middle aged woman in a striking purple dress, getting out of a luxurious car. youngjae looks carefully, she couldn't have been younger than 40. reporters scramble to get a word from her, anything, but she refuses to do so. what caught bambams attention was the young man behind her. a much taller boy with blonde hair, a lean body, full in a sophisticated silk suit. he walks slowly behind the woman, photographers getting the best of his facial features in next weeks tabloids. the commotion dies down just as they enter the Hilton next to their apartment.

'who was that?' asks youngjae, coco in his arms now. bambam meets his gaze, assuming he was joking, but youngjae was all ears.

'oh uhm, the woman? gabriella morrison or something. she's pretty famous youngjae, where've you been?'

youngjae cocks his head back to the hotel. 'what for?'

'she owns a large number of businesses, under her own company. pretty powerful for a woman her age. close ties with a lot of a list celebrities.' bambam is just about to head back inside when youngjae questions him, 'and the boy?'

bambam doesn't turn around. 'some kid named kim yugyeom,' he mumbles.


'ok i'm heading out!' yells youngjae, grabbing an umbrella for a midnight shopping trip. bambam's voice warbles through the water in the shower, 'yeah!'

youngjae pats coco's head one last time before stepping out the door. faint music streams down from the upper floor as he places his index on the elevator button. he fixes an airpod into his left ear, just as the elevator dings for his floor.


'they don't have the one i like...' youngjae mumbles to himself as he stares at the rows of refrigerated milk. he sighs and picks up two small cartons of strawberry milk, and makes his way to the carbs section. he was the only one wandering around the convenient store at this time, accompanied by the drained man at the counter.

youngjae picks up a bag of unknown pasta before someone else steps into the store. ignoring the whir of the automatic doors, youngjae puts the packet back and continues to search for the particular brand him and bambam choose to favour. he's still crouched in front of the barilla boxes when someone shuffles their feet behind him.

'excuse me,' a hand reaches out past youngjae's neck to grab a box of penne. youngjae rotates his neck to see the same young man who was alongside the old woman today. he was wearing a mask, and a beret sat atop his head. a variety of earrings decorated his ears, and he was dressed in a large black hoodie and slim jeans. kim yugyeom? youngjae got up in an instance, but yugyeom was making his way back to the counter, leaving a trail of heavy cologne behind him. youngjae picks up his basket and follows him.


by the time he got home, bambam was sprawled out on the couch half asleep, king nestled in his lap. 'youngjae?' he mumbled.

'yeah it's me,' youngjae set the bags on the counter, eager to tell his best friend about his encounter. 'i saw that yugyeom guy at the store, he seems chill,' bambam's head shot up. king meowed in discomfort. 'oh?' the younger sat properly now, setting king properly in his lap again. 'thats cool i guess,'

youngjae poured the milk into two glasses and brought it over to the coffee table. 'he's got hella money i'm sure,' youngjae said. bambam took a sip of the chilled drink and hummed in reply. 'wearing designer clothes, all that. he just took a box of pasta and left though. why would you make pasta in a hotel?' youngjae scrunched his nose and took a sip. bambam stroked kings fur, 'he's not staying there.'

youngjae surprised, glanced at him and asked, 'how much do you even know about him?' bambam slurped the last of his milk and leant back on the sofa, allowing king to leave. 'it's not hard to find out, we've got friends youngjae.'

youngjae grinned and jabbed him in the stomach. 'okay then, how much do you want to know about him?' he knows how much bambam would get flustered if he confronted him about a possible crush, even if it's some celebrity. bambam bites the inside of his cheek, eager to not let youngjae know about this possible crush just yet. he gets up and stretches.

'i'm going to sleep.' he turns his back and waves as youngjae watches him head into his room. sighing and picking up coco, youngjae switches the lights off and heads to his own.


chapter one done! thank you so much for reading, i know this didn't really consist of a proper plot, but the storyline will definitely be visible in the next chapter.

, fatima

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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