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A 7 month pregnant Sally Jackson and Paul Blowfish sit in the sea-green '79 mustang, their song playing over the radio.

"And being apart ain't easy on this love affair

Two strangers learn to fall in love again

I get the joy of rediscovering you

Oh, girl, you stand by me

I'm forever yours, faithfully"

Sally reaches over and turns the radio down to low looking over at him,

"Paul what's this about? Why the fancy date? What's going on?"

Paul stares sadly out towards Montauk beach where the sun is slowly setting on the water.

"I... Sally I'm sorry..."He says turning to face her.

"This is it isn't it...? You have to go don't you?" She faces back to the beach and tries to keep the tears from falling.

"Baby, you don't understand I don't have a choice..." He slowly drifts off not sure how to word what's going to come next, "It's the rules... Sally I need to tell you something..."

Sally faces him again, "Paul, it's okay I know, you're not an English Major, you never were, you're so much more."

He looks at her surprised, slowly his face changes to a solemn one. "No, Sally, I don't think you understand the weight of this situation-"

"I do, you're not human, your name isn't even Paul."She interrupts. 

"Wha- How? How did you find out...? Was it Hade- Hartley? Wait, was it Penelope?" Paul was panicking at this point, racking his brain for any slip up he may have made. 

Sally smiles softly and places a small hand on Paul's arm. 

"Dear, you drive a sea-green mustang, the fish surround you at the aquarium, you barely hold a D in all of your classes aside from Mythology 101, and when you swim you stay under longer than any human. You named yourself after a fish for Christs sake!" She says laughing softly through her tears, "I understand, the light you let off, it tells me everything I need to know, bright blue like the ocean, you're Poseidon."

"I... I was going to tell you... It never seemed like the right time... Sally, I'm sorry."  He looks into her eyes determined, "I want to protect him, I may not be able to be here myself but I will do everything in my power to protect little Perseus." 

"Please explain it to me, why you have to leave me..." 

" We Gods... We have rules, ancient ones, we cannot have contact with our mortal children or lovers for too long. Zeus, myself, and Hades, whom you know as Hartley, have a pact. We aren't supposed to have children because they will be too powerful. We must keep Perseus unknown to Zeus otherwise his life will be in danger." He grabs her hands and looks into her ocean blue eyes with complete seriousness, "Do you understand the importance of this my love?"

"I do. How will we protect him? How can I protect him on my own? " Sally moves her dark brown waves behind her ear then wipes away the tears that fell. "I'm only a woman..."

"Let me take care of that my dear. He will be okay until the signs start to show, then you will know, you must take care with what you do."

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