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A/N: So I have been working on this story for a while now. Maybe for a bout a few months. It's pretty long but I do hope you guys enjoy it. It's a bit slow in the beginning and gets a ehol lot better (hopefully) in the end. But this was one of the serious stories that I had in my collection that I wanted to share with you guys to get your input. Please please please let me know how you feel. I love constructive criticism.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Bleach or any songs listed in this fanfiction. I only own this story and any Original characters.


Chapter I

4:48 a.m

That's what it read on the radio. 'Rochelle Jordan - How to Feel' played softly throughout the speakers of her car. Blessing her ears with the melody. Fortunately for her, the summer season and this time of day proved to have its magical moments. For instance the sun slowly ascending across the horizons bringing with it the brightness of the new day and at the same time a leisure pace of sweeping away yesterday waning moon at the opposite side. The stars would be replaced with the clouds and reflection of the sea as well as today's problems. The low humidity changes to scorching, muggy, irritable weather. However this was her favorite time of the day. When both medallions of night and day see each other for a time like bitter rivals or longing lovers that could never embrace one another. And the world a quiet audience to such a common but unique spectacle. At least quiet at this specific beach.

Zephyr, just like the gentle air, let the wind caress her oval face. Cruising down the long strip. Hanging her head out the window, looking to the many shimmering stars that compared to her own shimmering chocolate eyes, driving rather dangerously when swerving in and out the empty lanes since it was just her, then open bottle of gin, and the company of mother nature. The nights gentle breeze moving the smoothing waves across the subtly changing sands. She brought her head back into the car, reflecting what the day before brought her. This was always her thinking place. Pondering on trivial things, and sadly; trivial people.

A trivial person to be exact.
Bittersweet it was to be here. Her thoughts now picking up the pace and running miles per second. Exhaling through her nose rather loudly, she looked to the starry part of the sky again. As if both days were split down the middle of the sky, capturing the physical sight of future, present, and past. Closing her eyes as she inhaled then exhaled calmly. Zephyr looked to her cell phone that never turned off when she place it on the passenger seat, reading the text he sent her that she was going to reply, but failed to do so.

Are you free tonight?

The fucking audacity of him.
She saw this coming. After the day before she should've knew better than to open the message. He would get a sign that she received and read it but never replied and he wouldn't be bothered by it even if she wanted him too. For she knew that he would be sitting outside her apartment ready to journey the measly stair case leading up to her doorway regardless if she answered 'no' or not. And she would be weak against him standing there looking like everything she needed tonight. Never understanding such a relationship, or whatever they had going on. Only relishing in the temporary lust that encircled her when he hungrily gazed at her.

It was too late anyway.

He would move on to his 'other women' being that she never replied back to him and of course she would feel a certain way towards that fact. Never being the one to share anything when she was younger, now look at her. Sharing a man with other women. "This isnt right." She spoke to herself. Slightly smirking at the epiphany because she would still pick up his phone call. She would still answer his text as much as she hated it. "How the hell did I even fall into this!?"

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