Diana Prince x Plus Sized Reader.

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Gotham at night was a scary yet peaceful scene. The bright, full moon shone brightly down onto the cityscape as bright stars shone through the polluted sky. Sitting at her desk on the top floor of the WayneTech headquarters, (Y/n) Quinzel was finally packing up her gear to leave work. (Y/n)'s hair flowed gently in the soft breeze of the air conditioner, as her face was illuminated by the blue light of her computer screen. (Y/n) worked as the personal assistant and international consultant for the prestigious business that is WayneTech. Despite being an assistant, her boss and CEO Lucius Fox insisted that his best employee be given all the benefits. (Y/n)'s office was the size of an entire apartment. The far wall had been replaced with floor to ceiling windows that looked out into the North Side of Gotham. Bright lights blurred together outside. Along the walls, paintings of Greek art decorated the boring cream walls. (Y/n)'s lifestyle was built around business so not many personal items decorated her office space. There was a shelving unit that (Y/n)'s girlfriend had stocked for her with volumes of ancient Greek tomes. On (Y/n)'s mahogany wood desk sat one photo showing (Y/n) lying next to another woman with raven like hair and deep blue eyes. The two women in the photo were surrounded by the orange leaves of autumn and both females had contagious smiles on their faces. (Y/n) smiled at the photo as she packed away her laptop, ready to go home and into the arms of the woman waiting for her. Walking down the hall from her locked office, (Y/n) called for the elevator and waited a small smile on her face. When the steel doors to the elevator opened (Y/n)'s smile dropped immediately. Standing inside the elevator were two incredibly beautiful women.

One had long, sparkling blonde hair with fair skin, her body type was borderline anorexic and the woman beside her wasn't much different. Her skin was darker as was her hair but her body was model like, unlike (Y/n). (Y/n) wasn't exactly skinny, she wasn't obese either she was somewhere in the middle. (Y/n) said nothing as she walked into the elevator and as the doors closed, the two women behind her engaged in idle chatter. As the levels of WayneTech blinked past, (Y/n)'s anxiety grew as she felt as if the women behind her were judging her. Eventually, the doors opened up into the magnificent lobby floor of WayneTech. Designed by (Y/n) herself, the lobby of WayneTech was nothing short of illustrious. Pearly white, marble floors were the foundation of which black pillars etched with gold leaf linings held up the upper floors. One of the two walls on the way to the elevator was decorated with a huge waterfall that fed into a small river filled with exotic fish that wound around the elevator in a moat. Fresh, restored prehistoric plants were planted around the banks of the small river. A glass bridge connected the elevator to the marble floor over the river. On the opposite wall, a huge holographic projection screen showcasing various WayneTech products took up the whole space. In the middle of the lobby was a circular oak wood receptions desk. Seated at the desk, surrounded by computers and stacks of paper was a middle-aged man with sandy hair and tanned skin, he gave (Y/n) a friendly smile as he listened to someone over the phone. Most likely a Chinese investor.

(Y/n)'s heels clicked against the marble floor as she rushed to the exit, her anxiety growing by the second. She needed to get out of this building, she needed to go home. When she was home (Y/n) didn't have to worry about anyone judging her. But when (Y/n) reached the pristine glass doors of the building she remembered that there was something else that had to be done first. Stamping her foot on the floor, creating a short clack as her heel slammed on the marble (Y/n) hesitantly slinked back towards the receptionist's desk, intent on asking him to arrange a meeting. As she got closer, (Y/n) could hear the sounds of the two women she was in the elevator with, laughing along with the receptionist. Shy and afraid (Y/n) slinked behind a column intent on just waiting for their conversation to finish... That was her mistake.

"Oh my gosh, did you see that whale of a woman!" Asked the fair skinned woman from before, her friend laughed brining a perfectly manicured hand to her mouth.
"Fatty fool, I thought she was going to break the elevator" the friend replied "I swear I could hear the creaking" The man at reception laughed loudly.
"Careful that's our boss you're talking about." He warned in a joking manner. Tears started welling up in (Y/n)'s eyes as an invisible force willed her to listen more.
"What's she gunna do? Sit on me!" At this the trio laughed so loud it echoed off the walls. By now, tears were falling freely from (Y/n)'s eyes as she ran from the room. Not caring if her employees noticed her. Throwing open the doors of the building, (Y/n) ran down the sidewalk and into the car park. With eyes blurry from tears she faintly made out her car, a bright red Mustang. Stumbling her way to the temporary sanctuary, (Y/n) dumped herself and her bag into the car and slammed the door closed behind her. That was when the real waterworks began. Tears fell like waterfalls, splattering the black leather seats of the car as (Y/n) hugged herself, her breathing heavy and hyperventilating. Taking a big gulp of tears, (Y/n) tried to make sense of her surroundings but all she saw was a bleary mess of lights. Frustration and helplessness were not new feelings felt by (Y/n), but they were powerful ones. Suddenly, (Y/n) felt the familiar feeling of her phone vibrating in her jacket pocket. Shaky hands slowly fished the small device out and (Y/n) saw that the caller was none other than her girlfriend of five years, Diana Prince. (Y/n) tried to calm herself, not wanting to worry Diana, her breathing slowed but tears still fell. Finally swiping her finger against the screen, (Y/n) took the call.

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