So today a Thursday, effectively a new phone and the majority of numbers are female *(hmm, that is cool)* well less so when it is your ex messaging you about tumblr, and how if a person has a naked pic, they must be in a relationship *(how dull)*. However I was not goin to dwell on the present day to much, as tomorrow is a close friends wedding ! which is a glorious day and should be celebrated by all. An then I remember just as they started to get together, she got a little to drunk and tried to push me onto the bed, saying sweet nothings to me *( I am not glorifying myswlf, this happened as you all know I am an think I'm an ugly cunt!)* this is one of the more prominent times in my life, where I have turned down a)sex b) cheating on someone to spite them c)a party , as soon as it happened I made up a reason to leave while being careful and making her forget what happened an said she was dreaming it all up and was just tired. this does not mean to say I am a good person, just didn't feel right and reminiscing about it now, 'twas the right choice. I am happy that I am not the one to split them up, I think they will do it for themselves *( nothing wrong with saying that is there?!)*
Lying to your boss is bad, to your friends worse to your family, possibly the worst?!
So when I do it daily for fun as I have stopped caring and can't be happy with it.
Yesterday went to a jazz festival thing, was semi amusing. the music was not my thing, the amount of alcohol flowing was good and how it was coming around was even better, unfortunatly drinking a fair amount and quicker than everyone else is always a downside. Not a good ideal to be honest.
On a cheerier note, the wedding which had such an anticipated build up, how to put it courteously.... shock?! All of Matt's friends decided at the after party to be cautious of me and slightly avoid. Then continuing in their brutal fashion, going to a cluster of tree's and doing some manner of relaxant drugs, which is fine and dandy. Surely of it is Matts big day he would want his friends to be on the same level as him and not have to be induced with intoxicants just to pretend they are enjoying themselves?! If this sounds crazy I suppose I am the loser...
The ceremony was petite, small and cute about 50 people in the whole thing, very nice, glad that I was part of it alas wasn't there with anyone which would have been perfection *(such is life)*
My name is Patrice
RandomSmall encounters of the unnatural and unique kind, focusing mainly on the life and times of myself. So a autobiography from a man who is known as a cynic and an asshole *(also known as the cunt)* for his own moral agenda and deliberate faults but t...