Kill Them With Kindness

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Lewis sniffed and rubbed his nose along his sleeve. A cold in summer! He swore, if he got another cold like this—

        He cut off from his internal rambling as he laid eyes on a girl across the year six playground. She was sitting all on her own, a wistful look on her face. A boy ran past and she looked as if she might call out to him, but her shoulders slumped and she brought her knees up to her chest, pulling her dress down over her legs.

        Without a second thought, Lewis stood and made his way over to her with his lunch, sitting down right next to her. She shot him a surprised look but he only smiled kindly back.

        "Are you lonely?" He asked.

        The girl nodded. "A little bit." Her stomach growled loudly and she sighed. Lewis looked around for a lunchbox, but there wasn't any.

        "Don't you have anything to eat?" he asked.


        Lewis took his sandwich and held it out to her. "Here."

        The girl almost choked in surprise. "You want me to have it?"


        "But — but you'll go hungry!"

        "It's okay. I've got plenty more food at home." He dropped the sandwich in her lap. "Have it."

        "Th-Thanks." She examined the sandwich and looked up, a small smile spreading across her face. "Thank you so much."

        Lewis felt his heart warm with the gratitude she was feeling. "You're welcome. Anytime."

        "My name's Anne."

        "Lewis." He shook her hand. "Pleased to meet you."


One rainy day, Lewis stood in the grade nine outdoor cafeteria line, counting the coins in his hand. There was a scuffle nearby and he turned just in time to see someone disappear around the corner. Curious, Lewis stepped out of the line and followed.

        When he turned the corner he saw Anne, struggling against a taller boy while another rifled through her bag. He pulled out a book and threw it at her, hitting her in the chest.

        "Hey!" Lewis cried, running forward. He shoved the first boy off Anne and stood in front of her, glaring the troublemakers down. "Don't touch her!"

        The boy with the bag sneered and stood up, eyes darkening in anger. "And whatcha gonna do about it, pretty boy?"

        Lewis gulped and took a step back, bumping into Anne. He realised now these guys were a lot bigger than him — and they certainly didn't go to his school.

        "Just . . . Leave her alone. And give her back her bag!"

        "Come and get it."

        Lewis knew the glint in the taller boy's eye meant trouble, but he carefully ventured forward anyway. Just as he reached the bag his legs were kicked out from underneath him, and he whammed into the floor face-first. He tasted blood in his mouth and looked up at the smirking boy above him.

        "Next time, pick on someone your own size."

        A foot smashed into his ribs and knocked the breath out of him. Lewis groaned in agony as pain speared through his chest, and gasped as someone stamped on his ankle.

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