Rules and Forms

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1. Don't be a dick.

2. No overpowered Stands, they have to have a weakness.

3. This roleplay book will not have Parts One, Two or any parts that have not been turned into an anime yet. Hamon can just lead to random bullshit that makes problems go away and Parts Six, Seven and Eight are because I haven't had the time to read the mangas, also I'm broke so I can't buy them.

4. Try to make the battles last, battles in Jojo are about using the mind after all, don't STANDO POWAH your way everything.

5. If you kill off my character without permission, you have officially given me permission to kill off any of yours whenever I want.

6. No romance in this roleplay.

7. Have fun.


Stand Name:
Stand Appearance:
Stand Ability:
Stand Stats:
Pose: (Describe their Jojo pose because everyone has one.)

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