As You Wish...

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Bullying; descriptive scene of pain; possible suicidal intentions
A/N: Please enjoy and leave some writing tips!

    Words. That's all JJ wanted to speak, to have his voice heard. But no- he was mute. And it was because of the incident. But the sad part is.... He doesn't even know who's fault it was. He's not even sure why he did what he did, but he wished that he didn't. He wanted to go back and fix everything.
    He constantly worried that it was his fault but... Everyone said that it wasn't. I mean- sure, Chase and Anti were partial to blame because it started there but JJ was the one to finish it. Honestly, JJ was the one who caused the most damage.
    Of course, Anti and Chase may have drove him to it, but JJ was the one to follow through. He was the one to do it and get paid the price.
    Now- you may be wondering what I'm talking about. And that is how JJ lost his voice........
    Rain poured outside of the Septic Ego House. All of the men were there, just hanging around and doing whatever they pleased. It was just a normal day! Jack was currently in his recording room, busy with a new video; Jackie was just hanging out with Chase while shooting some Nerf guns; Schneeep was reading over some of his cases; and Anti.... Well, he was busy talking to JJ in his room.
    Anti.... Ever since he heard JJ speak for the first time, he had always made fun of him and his voice. It was PLAIN, BORING, UNINTERESTING, unlike Anti's voice. His was all over the place, with crackles and voice fluctuations. It was unique, and no one ever had one like it.
    JJ's, however, was normal. It didn't even hardly have an accent like Jack's or Schneep's. It was just a voice. Nothing to it. And Anti always rubbed it in. He would pick and poke at it, sometimes going too far. And eventually he did. He went way too far.
    JJ remembers the saying.... but he wants to forget. Anti had said it, glitching profusely and basically screaming at him. Unleashing all of his inner anger and spite, Anti had completely shattered JJ, breaking the poor boy. He ran from him, leaving the room before bursting into the living room and went to Chase.
    JJ had started crying profusely and began telling Chase what had happened. But something wasn't right. Chase yelled at him also, telling him to piss off as he heard him whining. JJ looked so shocked that no words escaped him. His tears simply ran faster and faster before he ran away, covering his ears.
    Both voices echoed in his head, reminding him of what was said. He ran down the hallway of the home and went into the bathroom. JJ slammed the door shut behind him and slid down. His shaky hands covered his eyes as tears poured down endlessly. Small sobs escaped from his mouth and into the silence.
    With voices still booming in his mind, JJ replayed all the words and had finally decided. If they didn't like his voice, then he shouldn't have one anymore. JJ went towards the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the bottle of bleach. He popped the cap and inadvertently cringed at the smell. But he took a deep breath and started to drink some.
    As it went down, it burned his throat to the point where he thought it was melting at the contact. But he drank more until his vision started to give and his movements were slow and his body felt heavy. The voices were swarming, as if they were bees buzzing around him. And JJ so desperately tried to block them out.
    But he only succeeded when the banging on the door distracted him. They were loud, DEAFENING,  as his vision went dark, everything becoming black before the door bursted down.
    JJ blinked back tears of pain as he cracked his eyes, blinded by the lights of the room. He heard shuffling, near his left and turned to look at it but his head pounded. Placing a hand to his temple, he let out a small groan to signal his discomfort..... Well, tried. Only a small breath of air escaped him and his throat felt on fire as he tried to make a sound.
    The sound to his left moved closer, signaling that the person in the room was much closer now. JJ barely opened his eyes again, the light still blinding him. But once his vision focused on the figure beside him, JJ recognized the man almost instantly:
Henrick von Schneeplestein.
    "Vhy.....?" was all Schneeep mumbled, looking down at JJ with sad gleam in his eyes. JJ had looked away with guilt before trying to speak again, only for a pain to erupt from his throat. It felt as if flames were licking across his skin or something trying to claw its way out of his throat. Schneep realized what JJ was trying to do and quickly moved to his side.
    "Hey, hey, hey," Schneep said softly as he aided the dapper young man. He softly soothed him in whatever way he could. JJ was just trying to focus on what Schneep was doing to calm himself and focus away from the pain. With the help of ze good doctah, they had both managed to relieve the pain enough to where Schneep could get some medicine for JJ.
    Since he couldn't swallow anything, Schneep had to place it in an IV. JJ winced as the needle went into his skin, feeling a sting after the medicine began to drip through the IV. He gave a small a smile to Schneep as he tried to lie back and rest a little. Lying back against the couple of pillows, JJ closed his eyes for a minute.
    Hearing footsteps entering the room, the now mute boy opened his eyes. His eyes raked over the figure in the door of the room, and he quickly turned away. He didn't want to see him. He was still so BROKEN over what he said.
    "Jamie... What did you do?" Chase's voice rang out. JJ turned away from him, anger and sorrow filling his heart. He heard Chase sigh and move toward the bed before pulling up a chair to sit down. "Why.... Why did you do it, baby bro? I just don't... Understand..." Chase whispered to him. JJ, with his anger rising him, turned toward him and hit his shoulder.
    "Ow! What the hell was that for?" Chase shouted out startled. Jamie went to speak, but his voice and vocal cords failed him. A slight pain flared inside of his throat, but he pushed it aside. Angrily balling the sheet in his hands, he let a few tears fall. Chase immediately moved beside him to try and hug him, but JJ pushed him away again. But as his anger was falling down again... He leaned into the hug.
    "Shhhh.... You're alright, bud. You're okay," Chase whispered. He ran his fingers in JJ's tresses, calming him down. And when he was calm enough, Chase asked, "What happened to you?" The silent boy looked aside and signalled for the father to grab a clipboard of paper and a pen. When he brought it back, JJ immediately started to write, explaining everything.
    "James... I am SO sorry," Chase said in response. His eyes shined with tears before he leaned into him for a hug. JJ did the same as Chase did to him, raking his fingers in his hair. As Chase calmed down, he uttered one thing.
    "Anti is going to pay for what he did."

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