Chapter 7: The Hot-box

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Friday morning, one-by-one, you had your usual crowd, first the girls wake up and start their breakfast, slowly followed by each, and everyone of the boys, last being Tyler. He walked out of his room, still yawning and stretching as he finished his morning yawns and stretches he looks in the kitchen and see's Jessica giving him a dirty look, so he shoots her the finger, while yelling, "Love you too Jess!".

By the time Tyler was at the table with his morning breakfast, as always, captin crunch cereal, Sheram takes the opportunity to brace a new idea amongst his friends, "Guys... I really thing we should hot-box the washroom, its the smallest and easiest room!". Didn't have to wait a second before Tony was scream to do it, but Tyler piped up, "I've never done a hot-box before..". 

"Ah its alright man, we'll show the ways" Sherman said, before being able to finish being cut off by Harold, "Whats a hot-box?". They all stood still, in silence blankly looking at Harold, as he said, "Sorry?" questioning why he was appologizing. "Don't appologize man, it's all good, we'll teach you the ways, come with us" Tony said, pulling his friends to the washroom.

Sheram grabbed the weed and some chips, after all, you stay in the hot-box for hours if you're apart of Sherams smoking crew. Sherman walks into the washroom with a good amount of weed, and two of their pipes, and some bags of chips, "Alright guys, lets start this sesh party!" Sherman yelled, closing the door.

"What about the girls?" Harold said, "Well I know Jessica wont do it." Tony spoke, followed by Tyler, "Yeah, and Sam won't either". So that was it, they asked Alyssa, Katy, and Valerie to hot-box with them. 

Their washroom was big enough to fit them all, barely, you had Harold on the sink, Tyler and Tony in the bathtub, Alyssa sitting on the toilet, Valerie sitting on Alyssa, and Katy sitting on the floor against the bathtub.

"Alright, it's a little more crowded in here then I would have hoped, but let's get this party started, we don't get out till dinner time people" Sherman started off saying, "Hold on!" Alyssa shouted, she opened the bathroom door and yelled to Sam and Jessica, "Guys start dinner (grilled cheese) at six o'clock!", then shut the door.

"Alright, while now that thats handled, sha'll we pray to the kush gods?" Sherman said, making everyone stand up. Katy looked at Tyler and Tony, "Is he seriously going to make us all do this?", right as Harold asks, "Is this an actual thing you do when hot-boxing?". Tyler yelled to Harold as Sherman did his kush god pray, "No, this is actually something we do, Shermans just spirtual".

Its true, Sherman was like the group buddha, he was the most spirtual of them all. After Sherman did his kush god prayer he packed some few bowls, and they began to smoke. 

"You see Harold, a hot-box is just smoking in a small-enough room so when you ex-hale, it fills the room with the smoke" Tony said, before taking his first hit of the Hot-Box. "Oh, I see how that works, seems pretty simple to understand" Harold said, getting to take his first hit of a pipe. 

Harold coughed his lungs out, but still said, "Can I go again?", "Hold up man, we got to go in rotation, take turns, surely they do that with other things in the UK?" Sherman told Harold.

 "You guys.. oh my god" Tyler randomly blurts out, "OH MY GOD, WHAT" Tony yelled right in Tylers face, so he yelled back, "I SHOULD'VE BROUGHT MY LAPTOP, HOW DUMB WAS I". Tyler and Tony bursted out laughing, when Valerie hit Tyler and Alyssa hit Tony on the back of the head. 

They've spent an hour and a half playing in the bathroom, spraying water on eachother, telling jokes, and laughing, but Alyssa wanted to ask, "Tyler, are you actually interested in Sam anymore, or not?". "Well, fucking blunt" Tony budded in, "Well, maybe, maybe not, yolo" Tyler said to Alyssa, kissing his teeth.

Valerie slapped Tyler right across the face, "shut the fuck up, don't say yolo again, and don't kiss your teeth", if it were anyone else, Tyler would argue, but Valerie and Tyler were good friends, so he did, Tyler appologized for kissing his teeth, and shut us mouth for the next hour.

"So guys, I have a joke" Sherman yelled, "alright, shoot, tell us" Katy yelled back at Sherman, they were all to high to even notice how loud they were being. "Alright so, a jew and a---" Sherman began, being cut off by Alyssa, "Sherman!". "Oh, right," he said, then briefly pausing. 

"So anyways, what do you call a boomarang, that doesnt come back?!" Sherman yelled, with all the enthusiam he had in him, "WHAT?!" Harold yelled at him. Sherman paused slightly, "A stick!", Harold, Sherman, Tyler, Tony and Valerie all started to laugh like there was no tomorrow, then ever so slightly, Katy and Alyssa look at eachother like their friends are crazy.

Surely enough time flew like it has been since they got to the warehouse, it was six o'clock and they had desided to turn on the washroom fan, to clear the smoke, and leave the washroom. "You think they started dinner?" Sherman asked, "I fucking hope so, im starved" Harold jumped to reply.

They all walk out and there are grilled cheese sandwhiches piled on a centre plate on the dinning room table, "Come on, sit and eat" Sam said, rushing everyone to the table. "What did you do to the sandwhiches, why do you want us to eat them?" Tyler snapped, sarcastically. Sam gave Tyler an unimpressed look, so he sat down without anymore questions. 

"You mean, you guys made all of these?" Alyssa asked, "No we stole them" Jessica whipped back at her. "Looks great to me!" Harold says taking two for himself, Sherman has himself two, and almost everyone had two grilled cheese. "Those were delicious, thanks girls!" Kathryn said, getting up and going to the living room.

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