Classroom 19B

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Brainiac is definatley an intellectual. President of the S.T.E.M./Chess club, she is also an Academic Decathalon champ and the 1st place winner of Seoul Prep's annual spelling bee  4 years in a row. She is not allowed to get out much. She is very close with her family, but her strict parents can cause her to distance herself.

:: Student Information ::

~ She's in many clubs at school.
~ She's never had a boyfriend.
~ She used to get bullied because everyone thought she was a smartass.
~ Has an older sibling thats she's always being compared to.
~ Always seems to have a stick up her ass.

:: Student Requirements ::

~ Faceclaim from the options we've provided.
~ Compared to older sibling.
~ Has strict parents.
~ '00 liner
~ Love Interest: Kim SeokJin

:: Faceclaim Options ::

~ SoHyeon
~ SeulGi
~ Irene

~ sugarbuniz
~ ne.hwa
~ bluesdaylight

Good Girl, Bad Girl

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Good Girl, Bad Girl


Good Girl, Bad Girl is a very happy and energetic girl. No matter the situation, she always has a positive outlook on it. She grew up with deppressed parents and she didn't want to be trapped like them. But she's not all good girl. No. The bad girl comes out in extreme situations. She had taken on of responsibility, what with her little siblings being shoved on her by her deadbeat parents.

:: Student Information ::

~ She has multiple younger siblings.
~ Everyone wonders how she scored the hot Senior/12th year.
~ Not doing to hot in math and science.
~ Loves hip-hop and classical music.
~ She's on the varsity volleyball team as a sophomore.
~ She wants to be a fasion designer when she's older.

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